
Won’t have Liz Truss to mock any more. A terrible loss to comedy. Her humiliation is now complete. She did look “heavily medicated” this morning. I hope people are checking on her.
Her and JRM going are my two best highlights. The slow handclap before her count this morning was so surreal. Do you think she was pushed onto the stage? I do, horrifyingly, think she will bounce back in the US peddling her nonsense and pandering to Trump and co. But hopefully she’ll stay there.
I think she’s become too much of a global joke to gain real traction. The US Right want performative cruelty.
The effect of an English accent on Americans is not to be underestimated. And Americans don't follow other countries' politics. Present her as a martyr of the deep state and the American right will eat it up. She'll learn to perform the cruelty. What other prospects does she have?
Her best case in the US is to get trotted out to say foolish things and not be in on the joke. She is not exactly a likeable loser.
This could well be the case (your latter point is certainly true).