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Reposted byAvatar JayAllTheEms
Chikkun, the mascot of Chikusei City in Ibaraki, Japan, has a melon body and a mountain hat with a river brim.
Reposted byAvatar JayAllTheEms
“What is most exceptional about the Americans is not the voluminous record of their violence but their extraordinary ability in the face of that record to persuade themselves that they are among the best behaved and best regulated of peoples.” - Richard Hofstadter, American Violence, 1970 🗃️
Will Sun rise in west - or east - in wake of having set last night? utterly unserious headline
Reposted byAvatar JayAllTheEms
Nancy By Ernie Bushmiller July 14,1959
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Dice with instructions for a drinking game. Korea. Alt-txt has instructions
Reposted byAvatar JayAllTheEms
Boiling all of Rainier’s glaciers to produce a substandard cover letter and a pregnant sonic with forty fingers
classic "look what you made me do" bullshit
Reposted byAvatar JayAllTheEms
The Red Book: Liber Novus, Carl G. Jung, 1914-1930.
Reposted byAvatar JayAllTheEms
Just consume one more piece of bad news. A wafer-thin piece of bad news. Go ahead, what could go wrong. It's wafer-thin.
Reposted byAvatar JayAllTheEms
Water Party candidate quits, accusing party of being 'wet' Grass Party candidate quits, accusing party of being 'green' Sky Party candidate quits, accusing party of being 'blue'
Reposted byAvatar JayAllTheEms
ironically the only thing restraining biden from drone striking the insurrectionist supreme court justices is that the justices he would appoint to replace them would hold him accountable
funniest possible outcome: > Trump edges the popular vote, wins the EC outright > rickety ol' tired Joe pulls off a successful Jan 6 > thanks to SEAL snipers in the gallery, Joe wins a 12A Congressional election > Gang of Six are frogmarched to internment in Idaho > nothing happening today matters
Reposted byAvatar JayAllTheEms
the old arby’s that got turned into a fireworks store is advertising their top package, the Neighbor Angerer, as “America in a Box” and it also includes a couple packets of horsey sauce (expired)
in a Trump 2 world, it will be funny to see the six -- after a long, hard deliberative legalistical consideration of the weighty matters at hand, of course -- grant the executive all powers to do anything. [edit: it will not be funny at all]
Reposted byAvatar JayAllTheEms
If an already-relegated football team played with the degree of effort that the Tories are exhibiting, their supporters would run them out of town
Reposted byAvatar JayAllTheEms
Billy Idol: "Hey little sister, what have you done?" Jenny Idol, standing in a marker covered room holding markers: "Uh...nothing."
Reposted byAvatar JayAllTheEms
The Rose Main Reading Room of the New York Public Library during construction, New York City www.nypl.org/about/divisi...
I'm enjoying listening to The Stalin Affair. Clear prose from Giles Morton, clear delivery from Nigel Anthony. Riding the line between bug and feature, Franklin Roosevelt sounds like an elderly Bill Clinton, which distracts a bit but also makes me giggle. www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/brand...
BBC Sounds - The Stalin Affair by Giles Milton - Available Episodeswww.bbc.co.uk Listen to the latest episodes of The Stalin Affair by Giles Milton on BBC Sounds
Any ideas on what's actually going on here will be very welcome.
bebé you haven’t even touched your whatever the hell that is
Every word a horror: “A battle-tested D.C. bureaucrat and self-described Christian nationalist is drawing up detailed plans for a sweeping expansion of presidential power in a second Trump administration.” Gift link: wapo.st/3VyftdG
Trump loyalist pushes ‘post-constitutional’ vision for second termwapo.st Russ Vought, the former president’s budget director, is laying the groundwork for a broad expansion of presidential powers.
Reposted byAvatar JayAllTheEms
You're telling me that an egg dropped this soup?
Reposted byAvatar JayAllTheEms
Little Nemo in Slumberland by Winsor McCay from June 3, 1906.
Reposted byAvatar JayAllTheEms
Congrats to Donald Trump for finally winning a majority of the vote.
I'm kinda shocked how simple and correct this is. Going to think about this for a good while.
I have argued for watershed-centered political entities for decades. Rivers as boundaries inherently bred irresponsible politics.
Reposted byAvatar JayAllTheEms
Need everyone to see the guy I found in the USPS store
Reposted byAvatar JayAllTheEms
boss makes a dollar, i make a dime. everyone contributes here at the mint
can't wait for The Nine to tell us the 22nd amendment isn't self-executing but requires an act of Congress
Reposted byAvatar JayAllTheEms
regaling my stepchildren with the scriptural tale of Jesus's pet goat Chompers