
It’s the way people *refuse* to actually voice why they’re quite certain Kamala is a non-starter that really gets me. I know why I’m not a fan, former prosecutor-reliable centrist (derogatory)-convoluted and ultimately useless economic policy, but that’s a *lot* of people’s whole jam, until now.
Like if you were an Eric Adams booster, a Val Demings booster, a Ridin’ with Biden booster, what exactly is it about Kamala you find totally unacceptable as a Presidential candidate?
and they really sent her on routes across the middle that looked like crash dummy missions. “Go to Central America and tell people to stop trying to come to the US” was a Jay Novaceck route. She didn’t complain, she did that shit. It’s wild to see people act like that was supposed to work.
The DC gossip was that those useless international missions they sent her on were to keep her away from any midterm campaigns, but knives have been out for her for a while. Is it real and significant unpopularity? I don't like her, but it's been a long time since I had any faith in the party.
Yeah the idea the Biden’s are still a little sore about Obama’s treatment of them during his admin is fucking funny considering how they’ve treated Harris as VP imo