
Absolutely amazing Dems decided banning TikTok was a worthwhile move while giving Elon federal subsidies.
Yup. Tik Tok was showing the evil carnage in Gaza.
They keep asking if my life is better than 4 years ago. I'm not in the 1% They are the only people whose lives are better today.
the day I realized that while conservative parties actively pursue policies that destroy democratic principles and liberal values, those policies would not become reality if liberal parties were not enabling their actualization (with a side of liberal principles), was a day I had a real struggle
CCP is conservative or liberal party?
Our current conservative party is called the Republican Party and our current liberal party is called the Democratic Party. They are in transition, but those ideological lines still hold true You are on ur own understanding how other countries operate within their own systems
The question about the party in control of TikTok.
kids have no power If we r concerned abt disinformation, we can look closer to home & do something abt UTube algorithms sending ppl further down RW conspiracy rabbit holes but Elon Musk does hold power & those who could stop enabling his agenda against democracy & liberal principles r not
Yes, I know 𝗲𝘅𝗮𝗰𝘁𝗹𝘆 what you mean. ⠀
TikTok is owned and operated by CCP, that's a fact. And you know why you deny it? Because for a Westerner nothing outside Western influence is real. The black hole of colonial mentality.
Elon sucks, but SpaceX has saved the DoD gargantuan amounts of money, just sayin. Understanding this helps make plans to thwart him that would be more realistic.
Air Force budget reveals how much SpaceX undercuts launch Spoiler alert: It’s a lot.
This is legitimately selling the rope with which people will hang you, “yeah we’ve enabled and rewarded an open opponent of democracy but look at the DOD savings” is as short sighted an argument I can imagine.
I'm not interested in convincing you otherwise, he sucks. But if you want to grok just how irresistible the tech has been, look into Starlink in Ukraine. It's not the kind of deal that military organizations turn down without losing wars. I don't have a good answer
They had to creat a whole layer of separation and renegotiate prices to prevent him from blacking out their comms at whim, it’s not a deal, he’s selling what should be a publicly owned service to only customer who can afford it.
If we can pass a law forcing someone to sell TikTok you should be able to do the same to a defense contractor actively working to undermine the entire fucking government out in the open
Just like with Tesla, Musk wasn't fundamental to SpaceX. He was the money guy and likes to pretend he's the one pushing things forward when it's largely other people behind the scenes. Getting rid of Musk would be getting rid of dead weight
An act of Congress would be a good solution, yep
I get you but we pour **trillions** of dollars into the DoD so them **saving money** is something on the list of things i negatively care about also where is that saved money going? inquiring minds want to know
Relying on mercenaries for your defense has traditionally been just fine. 9/10 fallen empires agree, Mercenary soldiers are reliable!
"It therefore seems possible that SpaceX is taking a loss or launching at little or no profit to undercut its rival and gain market share in the high-volume military launch market." Totally sustainable huh
It’s the exact same play he made to stop public transit being built at the municipal level
I still can’t believe that with all of the problems that money and power could have addressed, the boomer centrists attacked the little people who live in the magic box they keep in their pockets
it's not politics it's pr for an ideology* (*neoliberal death cult)