
“White liberals were often the primary drivers behind the escalating drug war, pushing get-tough solutions for the supply side of the drug war and coercive rehabilitation for the demand side.”
White Suburbs and Drug To understand the racism of the drug war, in other words, we must look to the ways policymakers sought to protect white suburban youth.
Liberals want to boo and hiss at conservatives for their racism because they believe it absolves them of their role in white supremacy. This is why you get people pretending as if they simply can’t understand what’s being said when Black people point it out.
Seeing racial stats in drug usage v. drug arrests and convictions in a DPA mailer in the freshman dorm was what broke my boilerplate white liberal politics. It’s the smoking gun.
As a white guy who called himself a liberal back then* I found it extremely frustrating. * (I've always been kinda lefty)
A lot of the liberal politicians who were at the forefront of this are still there too, you know Joe Biden and other similarly prominent democrats, seems like something that maybe needs to change