Jay "Ceasefire" Parr

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Jay "Ceasefire" Parr



working class academic. cis-adjacent enby. neurodivergent chaos & anxiety. unfiltered. unbowdlerized. unhinged. follow at your own peril. my follows curated for my own mental health. nc, us.

i write crap for fun. jayparr.wordpress.com
Just made a big ol' 4-quart bowl of horiatiki salata, with like three pounds of salted tomatoes, an ice-mellowed red onion, an English cucumber, a whole jar of kalamatas, vinegar and oil and oregano, and a couple tablespoons of capers… …oh fuck, those were the brined peppercorns.
Jackass muse: "Here, write this traditional-length short story." Squirrel brain: LOL. LMAO.
They've got a point, y'all.
Gotta say as a rez kid it is goddamn hilarious to watch white people running around all chicken little about being sent to "the camps" The Camps are why your daddy was able to live in the suburbs. The Camps turned your great granddaddy into a land owner. You've loved The Camps all your life.
The representations of academics and academia in popular culture are truly bizarre.
Late '90s, I'm standing at the subway stairs with a friend, finishing our smokes, when a woman in her car (who in retrospect kinda reminds me of Nicole Byer) yells out of her open window… HOLY SHIT! THERE'S TWO WHITE PEOPLE IN FLATBUSH! I GOTTA CALL MY MAMA! I still grin when I think about it.
Great. Evening thunderstorm two days after Assholes With Fireworks Day, so it's time for kitty's pill but she's hidden in the disappearing place.
Oh, I might have to do this.
I could swear I saw a teacher post an assignment where they had generated a paper via chatgpt, and the task was to fact check it and rewrite it. Which drove the students up the wall
MedSky folks! Needle-stick aftercare? Giving kitty her shot when she bolted, and I got myself through her skin. She's up on her shots, and her issues are only orthopedic (i.e., nothing bloodborne). I forced some blood and washed the wound. Anything else I can/should do here? Thanks in advance!
Wait I never saw the top of E1, what'd I miss…
I went to the dentist & she had a screen above chair w/Netflix, which suggested Bridgerton & I thought why not check it out and WHY DID NONE OF YOU WARN ME THAT THERE WOULD BE A TEN MINUTE LONG STEAMY & DETAILED SEX SCENE RIGHT AT THE TOP THAT I WOULD HAVE TO WATCH WHILE SHE DRILLED MY TEETH
…but trans folks are the "groomers"
grooming industrial complex in shambles
Tell them you're disfellowshipped and they will immediately turn around and never return. Ever.
The fastest way to get rid of Jehovah’s Witnesses is to answer the door with a dirty diaper in your hand.
I need to grill the rest of this marinated meat or I'm gonna lose it. It's 97°F/36°C outside.
Found out who was setting off fireworks all night in the neighborhood. I kinda wanna hack their fobs and set off all their car alarms at 0500 on a random Sunday morning.
The firefight has begun. Cat is growling under the couch.
Actor who plays Bear Smallhill, listening to old King Crimson while his flight's in a holding pattern on the way into OKC. He waits in the air, D'Pharaoh Woon-A-Tai.
Okay, I just opened a Guinness Zero, and y'all, it tastes like a Guinness. This is wonderful news for my no-tolerance old ass!* *it may be somewhat less good news for my wallet.
Took an outgrown scooter over for my refugee neighbor's granddaughters, and his twenty-something youngest—being polite—invites me to hang with him and his friends who are chilling and grilling out back. Like, come on, man. I'm a sixty year old white man, I ain't gonna cramp y'all's style like that.
I think as teachers we lead our little horses to water, and even if they don’t drink then, they know the water is there and will drink then ready and able.
Everybody freaking out about extrajudicial killings is going to lose it when they find out about the existence of cops.
Note to self: look up Timothy Snyder's ON TYRANNY.
As well-meaning publishers try to navigate the coming storm of state laws against diversity, I hope they'll consider Timothy Snyder's Rule #1 (from his slim book ON TYRANNY).
Just go ahead and assume every single person in power is a pussy ass bitch
Took a bike ride around the parks. No measured distance. No clocked speed or cadence. None of the obsessive shit I used to do. Just a ride on a pretty morning. It was delightful.
I asked Alexa a question and the volume was up really loud and it woke up my tween daughter and now she's mad at me.
People. I don't care how tough and hardened you are. When a toddler hands you a toy phone, YOU ANSWER THAT SHIT.
If a toddler wants to play make believe with you, you have to play make believe. It is law.
Cool and dry enough to go take a little evening walk without coming back a wet sponge. It was nice!
Go into your photo roll or whatever and post the first image that makes you literally laugh out loud.
Go into your photo roll or whatever and post the first image that makes you literally laugh out loud.
I honestly believe this is a significant portion of what's wrong with our country right now.
I honestly believe that a lot of conservative strategizing is based on the correct assumptions that liberals would never be as ruthless as they are.