
Looking for an artist/graphic designer. Please promote this skeet. The gig is to provide a cover and some internal graphics for a leadership development guide I'm (re)working on. This is a paid (not do-it-for-the-experience). & sure, this can be your first gig. I will want to see your work so far.
My plan for this paid artwork commission... is to review folks' past work. If you want the gig, you should have stuff you can show me. For any that are interested, I will send them the manuscript/book, and once the artist has had a chance to digest the work, we chat. Virtual cameras on. /
My plan for making a decision about this paid artwork commission... I'm pretty sure when I see the past work and have a discussion, I'll be making a yes or no decision pretty quick about making the offer and discussing the terms./
What I'm looking for with this paid artwork commission: First, a book cover. Second, a couple of graphics for a model pitched in the book. I think that's about it, but I'm sure once the right person sees the current situation, they might have more ideas for products./
How quick will I make a decision about this paid artwork commission: As quick as possible. Sure, I'm looking for the best artist for this work, but best means a lot of things. I want somebody who will provide the products needed in the style needed. There are many artists who can deliver. /
How can you as an artist reply to me for this paid artwork commission? You can squirt (DM). Or, to leverage things, comment on one of the skeets in this thread. I'll reskeet every pitch I get. And I think that's it for now. I will continue to skeet on this threat. Please reskeet and promote. /
What's this paid artwork commission all about? Read ⬆️. You might know the perfect artist for this work. Let them know about it. Reskeet any of the posts above to increase reach. Your help in getting the word out is greatly appreciated. Thank you. 30. (For now)
Something I need to emphasize about my paid artwork commission. I think I need a graphic artist, not a fine art artist. Or am I being ignorant and ismist in some way? Anyway, the products are book cover for a leadership book and internal graphics. I'd like examples of stuff like that.
Still Looking for someone DM ME <<3
Sure I'm here so please feel free to come in DM
Yes I can make what you want to. Tell me.....
Hit me up in the DM with a link to some of your stuff. I'll send you a missive with details.
Like these and else know tell me what you want so I can do that 🙂
Are you interested in commissioning book cover art at the moment? If so, I am available.
I can send you more info if you are interested. DM?
HEy i am here for you can we chat more about on this ?
Have you got the artist or is still roaming for one ?
Ohh what if we chat over dm and i assist you in that matter?
Hey I'm Lilly Jordan. Actually, there is an issue with my account, which is why I couldn't reply to you there. I apologize for that. Can we continue our conversation in the chat on this account?
Heya! Are you still up for that or have you found someone?
Not yet. Hit me up in the DM with a link to some of your stuff. I'll send you a missive.
Sorry for late reply but if you're still in need of one then feel free to follow me back so I can share my work in your Dm
Sure, Thank you so much for follow me back.