
I finally looked up which lists I'm on, and this is one of my favorites
It suddenly just occurred to me: this person has no idea whether this is my real name!
For those asking how to look up what lists other users have added you to. Be warned that the first screen that automatically pops up before you click on the "lists" tab is a list of accounts that are blocking you!
Follow the link below, then click on "Find an account" at left and enter your handle. Then you can select from the tabs along the right side of the screen to see lists your on and who you are blocking and being blocked by ClearSky
Discovered I’m on lists called “Insufferable shitlibs” and “Dog brains and piss drinkers,” so I’ve got that going for me.
I'm a list simply called "Boring." That actually hurt my feelings.
I'm more hated than you. This seems like another person. I'm on Eat Poo No Matter Who (can't stand criticism of Dems) Zionists and Shitlibs Government and Politicians The Pit (anti-Black/racist, anti-trans) Idiots Plague Rats (really?) Actually Likes Chicken Nuggets Drama (politics) Genocide fans
Sounds like a lot of different people have been moved to put you on these lists. Are they all crazy, or is this time to reconsider things a little?
I'm definitely a threat because I like chicken nuggets. /s I'm eating them right now. I am definitely not a racist/anti-LGBT+/anti-trans. Plague rat? The guy who advocates for vaccination and masking? Politicians? (I'll cop to that since I am one.) Shit lib? I love how that con term is reposed.
It is a dizzying mix. Do you think any of it is grounded? I don’t know what it’s like trying to gage political stances from that side these days given the plethora of internet subcultures. But do you ever find that there are meaningful criticisms? Have you ever had your positions changed?
There is a person who came along much later and lifted my handle but added a number after it. We are definitely not the same person. Three other accounts were created later without the final E. The person in question primarily posts art, reposts furries, and hates so-called AI art.
"Likes chicken nuggets" and "politician" are definitely true. Genocide apologist? Anti-Black/LGBT+? Definitely not. Drama (politics)? I can see an anti-politics list but "drama?" One missing from that list is I am listed in the Contraption, which came as a surprise to LGBT people who are mutuals.