Charles Gaba

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Charles Gaba

Healthcare data analysis, advocacy & snark.
This, to me, is perhaps the clearest visual of how successful the #ACA has become over the years, especially under the Biden/Harris Administration. See the top left corner? That's earlier this year.
📣 UPDATE: I'm less than $8,000 away! Help me break $800K for Democrats up & down the ballot by midnight. Pick a page, pick some candidates & donate TODAY! #July4th #Blue24
And yes, I'm putting my money where my mouth is.
P.P.P.S. Whoops! I forgot one more important graph. This shows my 2024 cycle Dem fundraising efforts thru the end of June vs. the 2020 cycle. We'll see what July brings.
One final graph: Here's a rolling 21-day average of how much I've raised for all ~700 candidates combined (from President Biden down to the smallest State House district). Take a wild guess when #TheDebate happened. Democrats are PISSED, and it's not at Biden.
In 2020, this didn't seem to make much difference to most people: I raised nearly as much for the candidates running in the 16 "pipe dream" races as I did for the dozen or so competitive races (around 55% competitive vs. ~45% long shots). HOWEVER, look at this cycle:
Here's how my Dem fundraising project looks thru the end of June compared to the same point in 2024: $762,000 raised for Democrats up & down the ballot vs. $408,000 four years ago.
If that doesn't impress, here's the same categories broken out in bar graph format. SENATE fundraising is slightly behind 2020, but HOUSE fundraising is up 66%, and STATE LEGISLATIVE fundraising is a stunning 7.3x HIGHER than the same point four years ago.
...and of those 4 states, here's the 50 districts which Dave's Redistricting has rated as having PVI scores of +4 or closer (ie, they lean slightly blue, slightly red or are true tossup districts):
Since this involves a LOT of graphs & tables, I'm breaking it into 10 posts of 5 states apiece. I've already posted Alabama - Maryland. Today I present #Massachusetts, #Michigan, #Minnesota, #Mississippi & #Missouri. Here's what MASSACHUSETTS looks like: 6/
For starters, a single 50-yr old earning $50,000/year would see their net premiums jump by 38%. 7/
How about a family of four earning $80,000/year? Here in #MICHIGAN, they'd go from paying $311/mo to $587/ 89% spike.
#MINNESOTA's Basic Health Plan program would protect a lot of low-income families, but a 50-yr old couple with one college-age kid earning $60K/year would see their net premiums more than DOUBLE, costing them an extra $2,600/year.
Right now in #MISSISSIPPI, a single parent w/one child earning $30K/year only has to pay $2/month for the benchmark plan. If the subsidies revert, this would jump to $105/month...more than *50x* as much!
And in #MISSOURI, God help you if you're a 60-yr old couple earning more than $80,000/year. You'd lose ALL financial assistance & see your mnthly premiums skyrocket from as little as $570 to over $2,600...nearly $25,000/year more!
Since this involves a LOT of graphs & tables, I'm breaking it into 10 posts of 5 states apiece. I've already posted Alabama - Iowa. Today I present Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine & Maryland. Here's what #KANSAS looks like: 6/
A single 30-yr old earning $25,000/year would see their net premiums nearly QUINTUPLE from $18/mo to $106/mo. 7/
In KENTUCKY, a single parent w/1 child earning $60K/year would see their premiums jump from $306 to $490/month...a 60% hike.
In LOUISIANA, a family of four earning $80,000/year would be hit with an extra $3,300/year in insurance premiums. 9/
In MAINE, a 50-yr old couple earning $60K/yr with one kid in college would see their premiums DOUBLE. 10/
And in MARYLAND, if the upgraded subsidy formula is allowed to expire, starting January 1, 2026, a 60-yr old couple earning $90K/year would see their premiums jump by nearly $10,000 PER YEAR. 11/
Since this involves a LOT of graphs & tables, I'm breaking it into 10 posts of 5 states apiece. Last week I posted Alabama - Georgia. Today I present Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana & Iowa. Here's what HAWAII looks like: 6/
A single 30-yr old earning $50K/yr would go from paying $247/mo to $406/mo for the benchmark silver plan...over $1,900 extra per year. 7/
In IDAHO, a single parent w/1 child earning $30K/year would see their premiums jump from just $2/mo to $105/month...over 50x as much!
In ILLINOIS, a family of four earning $80,000/year would be hit with an extra $3,300/year in insurance premiums. 9/
In INDIANA a 50-yr old couple earning $120K/yr with one kid in college would see their premiums jump by 67%.
And in IOWA, if the upgraded subsidy formula is allowed to expire, starting January 1, 2026, a 60-yr old couple earning $90K/year would see their premiums jump by over $1,100 *per month*.
Since this involves a LOT of graphs & tables, I'm breaking it into 10 posts of 5 states apiece. Here's what ALABAMA would look like:
...and here's what that looks like visually. Older enrollees (50+) who earn more than 400% FPL are hit the hardest in raw dollar hikes...but for low-income enrollees (< 200% FPL) even a $25/mo hike may mean having to make tough choices about basic necessities.