
The thing about Heritage and other MAGA goons is they're literally afraid to ride public transit and wet their pants a little anytime a car backfires. That's not to say they can't be scary, but let's keep in mind that they're also pathetic and there are only so many coked-up Proud Boys.
Also uninterested in downplaying the threat of these ppl, but, like, theres a reason the little fake tough guys that make up Patriot Front all wear masks and have quick little 15 minute rallies out of the back of a uhaul. They know hanging around longer will get their asses kicked.
Back in college, a group I was with in San Diego (there were about six of us) got in a Verbal Altercation with a group of about 30 skinheads who were yelling at a mixed-race couple. Scary, right? Well -- and I don't recommend this -- a guy I was with pulled a knife and said "let's go." They cowered.
back when I bartended it was almost always the loudest, looking for a fight tough guys that would crumple like cheap paper at the first point of contact with the bouncer or another bartender who would call their shit