Charles (old and tired)

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Charles (old and tired)

I love Dogs, fishing, hunting, drinking and reading. Also big Chicago cubs fan. 34 bi male. He him. Discord charliediesel.
Selfie just testing the waters again. I liked myself here
Pedophile.... Trump=PEDOPHILE this is it. Win the battle by saying this every day. I'm confused why this hasn't become the baseball bat that wins the election
My dog and I would appreciate all of you fucking off suburban Chicago
I hate fireworks and Republicans. Sincerely leave me and my dog alone you invasive angry fucks
I was a little lost there. Good people do things for other people. That it's. That's all. Everything else is moot
I'm better now. We got pretty doomer in my head head. The I worked on my Garden and drank some good whiskey. Things are bad but I touched grass and felt better
Reddit Is fun. I guess. I'm so fucking angry right now.
I'm Drinking the best Scotch I've ever had. The cubs can suck Biden can burn the world with his stupidity...I have 2 dogs who love me and the most ethereal drink I've ever tasted on my lips
"your honor, i have a hyperfixation on punching nazis. it's actually ableist to not let me stim by beating the shit out of nazis. in fact, your honor, there should be a rage room where it's just nazis."
I want to be happy but I keep filling up with rage? I need a break really. This being hospitable to a random woman who isn't my mother shit..... I know it's right but I want to go burn some shit and split logs now. She's not my mom and I don't think it's weird that I'm fucking furious right now
Pizza beer and a good book. I am content in my own little bubble while I wait for my house to be open to me again
Like if you think I'm purdy, reskeet if you'd hold my hand at the county fair
Playing Pokémon scarlet and this Gyrados I raised since I caught it as a MagiKarp and nicknamed Big Guy is more precious to me than most people at this moment. I will soon grow bored and play some Zelda but for these couple of weeks he Is my world
The Doomerism is lying heavy today. Fuck.
Ok be real am I ugly? I'm trying very hard with these men.... nothing happens
I'm not that intimidating please motherfuckers
Tits out for pride. Seriously though..... if you were a bear .... would?
Garden planted.... I feel...conflicted. mom would have loved the size of the cherry tomato plant. I miss her more than ever today for some reason.
It's the Doctor and Nardole obviously. They fucked and i know it.
PRIDE MONTH THREAD queersky, please present your favorite fictional characters from any medium that should have been canonically queer in a more just world
PRIDE MONTH THREAD queersky, please present your favorite fictional characters from any medium that should have been canonically queer in a more just world
Rewatching Battlestar Galactica full nerd mode tonight
I and others like me don't want to vote for another LBJ? Is that so hard for every center left msnbc Rachel Maddow worshipping person to realize? He continued a war that killed upwards of 3 million people. I don't want my government to be a part of that
I love how Liberals think this changes anything. Yeah he's guilty we all knew. The people who care are either too small of a block to matter or don't want to be party to genocide. I acknowledge I'm composing this from a relatively safe place in northern Illinois but honestly if....tbc