
I wonder what it would be like to have a national election that wasn’t life or death.
Just saw yet another Boomer comment that we don't have a choice in this election because we have to stop Trump from winning. I have been told for over 30 years that I *have* to vote for the Democrats or else the fascists will win and I will lose my right to control my own body.
Being a citizen of a nuclear superpower is a real bitch sometimes. The Button has loomed over most every election since, idk, my dad was born
Between that & the New Deal, the last low-stakes election was maybe 1948 (because Dewey was a liberal wonk), otherwise 1924 (because they were both horrible conservatives)
In my lifetime the only election that I can think of that had roughly equally low Button Stakes was probably 2012.
Even then, Iran would have been a big difference. Sure, Trump undid it, but for a couple years we had a legitimate nuclear offramp for Iran, which was also our best shot at disarming Israel & perhaps-Saudi Arabia. Any Republican administration between 2008 & 2016 risks war with Iran IMHO.
I think any non-Trump R would put that risk right back on today. Not sure why, but Trump doesn't seem that interested. I know I know he did plenty of shit, but honestly, Haley, DeSantis, Jeb, any of those clowns playing the same hand in 2017 would have found a way to invade.
Trump is both an actual coward & has been preoccupied with nuclear war all his life. He's still not a useful dove—his danger comes from his stupid negligence rather than his belligerence—but I strongly believe a major reason he's friendly to Putin is that he genuinely fears conflict with Russia