Otiz Ranchez

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Otiz Ranchez


Rome Braves
Reposted byAvatar Otiz Ranchez
Every big media organization was so crossed-up by Trump winning in 2016 that they have been behaving and hiring as if Long Island-Coded Suburbo-Racist Sociopathy was on an unstoppable ascent worldwide, and interpreting everything backwards from there. It turns out most people actually hate it!
Honestly, what kind of bananas frame this story like this? Is shit serious or not, fucken freaks?
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"Project 2025" is a very scary branding for "things Republicans have always wanted to do and in fact have been doing all along."
Reposted byAvatar Otiz Ranchez
Just a reminder that Michelle Wolf nailed it at the White House Correspondents Dinner. NYT, I’m looking in your direction especially.
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I mean, I look at the structural stuff, not the narrative here. The polls have barely moved, Trump has no money, and Biden has a huge war chest and time booked. Why let the panic of a few people- largely driven by people that already don’t like Biden- shape what I’m thinking here?
Reposted byAvatar Otiz Ranchez
"I've seen it from the press." That was @JoeBiden speaking truth about where this attack is coming from. It's not coming from the voters, from the public, but from the privileged press.
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"Executive Time" fell out of the coverage of Donald Trump in the most incredible way. Nobody writing about his quest to become president again ever mentions the fact that he hated the job when he had it and he couldn't and wouldn't really do it!
The discourse around biden needing more sleep is fully insane. Does no one remember "Executive Time," the thing Trump spent the majority(!) of his schedule on where he would just watch TV and tweet? Dude was categorically unable to fulfill any of the demands of the office and the press barely cared
Reposted byAvatar Otiz Ranchez
Reposted byAvatar Otiz Ranchez
Sticking with Biden or running Harris would be *far* less risky than dedicating two of the next four months to Democrat infighting, followed by an unprecedented delegate voting process and dubious chances of even getting on the ballot. Knowing this shit is supposed to be these people's job
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Supreme Court: The president is an untouchable king Trump: i’m going to execute every journalist i’m going do it folks my daughter has a butt that won’t quit they got those big chewy pretzels here $5 get outta here NYT: How To Use The Cass Review to Talk to Your Kids About Their New Summer Camp
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the conservative theory of law in one headline
Reposted byAvatar Otiz Ranchez
I think it's 4:2 chugga:choo
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Full court press - the Times can make a story last when they want it too, similar to how every conservative - even the "moderates" start rowing in the same direction when theres a supreme court confirmation fight.
It's been days and eight of nine links at the top of the NYT right now are about the same thing
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Trump stealing top secrets and literally showing them to randos AND MEETING WITH THE SAUDIS with them in his possession haven’t generated 1% the ink of the remote possibility of any of that happening
Reposted byAvatar Otiz Ranchez
if people were more comfortable admitting that they don't know what resonates they would talk in the third person much less. the reason the defense of Biden generally isn't about his merits is because the call for his removal also isn't about the merits.
look i am not an elections expert but i will just say that it’s striking how few of the arguments for keeping biden have anything to do with biden’s merits as a candidate or his ability to lead the country for four more years and i don’t think that’s going to be entirely lost on voters
Reposted byAvatar Otiz Ranchez
the trump campaign has hired Charlie Kirk's companies, on a for-profit basis, to run their GOTV efforts. turning point's GOTV efforts have lost all three of the state elections they worked on previously, and they've never worked a national one
Reposted byAvatar Otiz Ranchez
trump faces sentencing in less than two weeks, and while he may not get jail time, he might get home confinement — whatever it is, he's extremely unlikely to get *nothing* on more than three dozen felony counts, and every time "convicted felon" comes up, his support drops with independents
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i think "jill stein voters agree, joe biden stepping down is the electorally smart move" should probably end the debate entirely
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I really think an open convention is an unacceptable risk and undermines the message of “I’m doing this to defend the Constitution.”
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Reposted byAvatar Otiz Ranchez
Exactly. There's so much to work with, and Biden should just say it. "Hey Donald, remember when you raped someone then lied about her, a jury awarded a hundred million against you, then you lied about her again, and a jury awarded another hundred million against you? You're scum. You're trash."
And then stomped off stage with "I refuse to debate with this rapist, and this guy helped turn over Roe... (fades out)
Reposted byAvatar Otiz Ranchez
We have 9 Supreme Court justices because in 1869 there were 9 circuit courts. Today there are 13 circuit courts. So…
N: Calgary S: Honolulu E: London W: Dali, Yunnan
N: Isle of Skye, 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 S: Somewhere up the hill from Guaynabo, 🇵🇷 E: Berlin, 🇩🇪 W: Beijing, 🇨🇳
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also in most cases the number of trans kids playing high school sports in a given state is single digits entire moral panics centered around attacking one kid
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Trump is both an actual coward & has been preoccupied with nuclear war all his life. He's still not a useful dove—his danger comes from his stupid negligence rather than his belligerence—but I strongly believe a major reason he's friendly to Putin is that he genuinely fears conflict with Russia
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Biden putting his political life on the line for a man who hates him and wants him to lose the election is one of the most baffling and infuriating decisions I have ever seen tell him and his genocidal military to go fuck themselves
Netanyahu released a video in English directly attacking Biden and Blinken. "I told Secretary Blinken it's inconceivable that in the past few months, the administration has been withholding weapons and ammunitions to Israel".
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““Life in the tent is like hell. “We do not know what to do, whether to stay inside or go outside … The high temperatures are unbearable,” she said. “Children suffer from skin diseases as a result of excessive heat and sweat, and the lack of water for bathing.””
Gazans describe life in tents as ‘hell’ as summer’s heat arriveswww.washingtonpost.com The onset of punishing summer temperatures in the densely populated Gaza Strip, where hundreds of thousands are living in tents, has made life even more arduous.
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Reposted byAvatar Otiz Ranchez
There should be more batting cages in every community in the US, and people of all ages should be encouraged to realize the catharsis that comes from going out and just taking 20-40 cuts on some slow pitch softballs.
Reposted byAvatar Otiz Ranchez
It's probably too late now, but if Biden had just issued a blanket pardon to Hunter a year ago, the story would be completely dead, his son wouldn't be going to jail and the press would be rolling their eyes at continued GOP investigations. Whoops!
Reposted byAvatar Otiz Ranchez
"A majority of Minnesota voters think Trump's NY trial, which led to a conviction for falsifying business records to conceal a hush money payment, was a fair proceeding and that a person convicted of a felony should not be eligible for the presidency."
Minnesota Poll: Majority of voters think Trump got a fair trial, felony conviction is disqualifyingstrib.gift Republicans and Democrats are starkly divided on the trial and conviction.