
it really fucking bothers me that this collective hysteria has me defending joe fucking biden
A lot of people defending Barack Obama's record in 2012 felt the same way. Drone strikes on civilians, letting finance bros skate after the financial crash, offering to cut Social Security, Medicare, & Medicaid in budget talks; there was a lot to be mad about.
I'd argue that there was more!
Like, is systematically drone-bombing dozens of civilians (& even a few Americans) more or less a moral outrage than providing bombs & other munitions to another country & repeatedly impotently asking them not to use them to kill civilians? Yet we had to choose then, & we have to choose now.
I'm going to skip over arguing any one issue because it's a losing proposition to compare one tragedy/horror to another. I just mean that Obama was disappointing on more issues. Biden's administration keeps surprising me in good ways.
My general experience with Biden/his admin has been stress/worry followed by pleasant surprise it turned out better than expected and sometimes even good. With the very, very very glaring obvious exception that yes, darkens -everything- else.
I mean, other than the PPACA, Obama really didn’t make much progressive progress. Biden has done IRA, BIF, CHIPS, reinvigorated the labor department, unilaterally canceled massive amounts of student debt, cut oil leasing by 10x… In the face of as much or more pushback as Obama had.
choosing a genocide supporting candidate will get more genocide support or maybe don't vote for a genocide supporting candidate