
20 minutes of Slack/group chat comments & furious texting, followed by an hour spent writing their articles calling the debate a disaster, then days of writing more articles about each others' articles & the people who read their articles & Biden's response to it all
I watched a debate that had a bad performance by the better candidate for 21 min followed by an hour of the other guy being deranged. Trump has been quiet all week. What does that tell you about the effects of the debate?
Like the first 20 minutes were bad yeah but if the roles were reversed Trump would just insist that he won and all complaints were fake news and fake polls and the media would have given up asking in a couple of days.
Only Democrats are held accountable (whether it's reasonable or not)
It's that weird trick where Republicans stick to whatever message is worst for Democrats while Democrats follow their conscience, so if Democrats are divided on a question, whichever option is worst for Democrats gains undue weight
Honestly been a pretty decent closing of ranks from the Dems! It's just that the press isn't against making shit up to continue this
Correct. We need a strong performance in the ABC thing tomorrow and during the NATO thing next week and then leadership needs to just say we’re with Joe and this is dumb and we’re not talking about it anymore.
I’d be happy with whomever but part of me wants him to stay in as a fuck-you to this whole manufactured nonsense, volcano theory and all
I’m getting there too These are the worst people we have, being amplified by horse race stenographers, to raise ratings. Act serious dammit.