
So many neat things happening that give reason to believe we can still build a better world, even in the face of climate catastrophe & right-wing psychosis. We can't give up hope. Bonkers. Still lab scale, but a team has created an anode free, solid state, sodium battery. It's basically just sodium and an aluminum (some powdered) current collector. Huge theoretical potential for abundance, fast charging, high density.
Lab creates world's first anode-free sodium solid-state UChicago Pritzker Molecular Engineering Prof. Y. Shirley Meng's Laboratory for Energy Storage and Conversion has created the world's first anode-free sodium solid-state battery.
here for the egalitarian techno-optimism
fossil fuels suck but if there’s one good thing about them it’s that it trained production on abundant cheap energy the leap to a much fuller abundance is (tragically?) close
E-bikes are actually the miracle tech breakthrough, people just haven't realized it yet. Solves all the problems with electric cars (charging time, space, pollution) and bikes (increased weight and range for normally abled people), and it's largely thanks to battery breakthroughs.
We have the technology to make urban life so much nicer, safer, sustainable, and fiscally solvent, we just need the political will to implement it!