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HS sci teacher in CA Bay Area.

politics, mostly replies,
attempts at humor.
bad luck for biden to run in an electoral cycle where "are you old" is the most important issue instead of in one of the cycles where email security procedures or accuracy of vietnam war medal citations was the most important issue in the country.
Imagine the Heart big enough to hold this world’s suffering.
We domesticated them to deliver our messages and then disposed of them when the phone was invented and now they can’t hunt those poor things, she is absolutely right!
It me
My girlfriend just said “you’re a beautiful creature. Sorry you’re so maligned” to a pigeon
it’s now late/early enough (3:01 am) that our mockingbirds are singing open mic in an Empty Room
Germans who voted from 1930-1933 were not being told the Nazis planned to kill all the Jews. Some heavily bought into the anti-semitic idea of "removing Jewish influence", others wanted to get out of the Treaty of Versailles. Some were horrified by the threat of Bolshevism.
ABO blood type is extremely explained by Mendelian genetics. bless her soul I think your mom’s trip’n?
I asked if I got my blood type from my mom or dad and my mom said, “neither your blood type is impossible from either of us that’s why we think you’re a changeling” and when I said haha that’s probably not true SHE DOUBLED DOWN??
Shut The Fuck Up (a verbal selfie for the tl)
imagining butter and some 3 star chef’s Cheeto jam
my friends got homemade biscuits if they stayed the night
editing directing acting are at such a Peak too miss the flow of good releases these days is like being a bourgeois 1890s-1930s citizen who doesn’t like going to Concerts.
One of the things that’s interesting about I Saw the TV Glow is that I can’t tell whether it’s an Ideas movie or an Emo film
Imagine replacing all of the progressive journalist coaching of Dems’ comms with promoting the organizing of non electoral political action. It would help reflect, if not create, a much healthier US left.
Much of stravinsky’s music finds this immaculate balance between modern sophistication & premodern archetype That’s what Midsommar touches.
The whole may queen dance scene is SO perfect. What should be the MOST disorienting moment is in fact a home base. Dani has found her footing, her people, and is dancing with joy.
Midsommar so powerfully explores ego. The process is sped up & made spectacular but each of us would dissolve into a new self if we were in a new society. & so are tight communal bonds just hell or do they hold us in a way that we need & will self destruct without.
Happy #primeweek! I just want to let y’all know that the Amazon shipping warehouse where my husband works is denying workers fans during a nationally recognized heat emergency and everything you order during time week places workers’ lives at risk.
Have a beautiful day, Bluesky.
I think Beryl should drop out of the race so Dems can appoint a tropical storm as its successor.
<> Me: lol Old Joe’s really committed to the bit
He doubled down by getting older, people like confidence
Trump: I don't know anything about Project 2025 Here is a list of all the Trump officials who authored the Project 2025 blueprint, Mandate for Leadership. 25 of 36 were part of the Trump administration. project2025istheocracy.substack.com/p/project-20...
“You don’t accomplish anything by posting” is such a ridiculous & boring take. I have learned so much from so many people on social media just from them posting. I have shared that information with others. We have changed our behaviors based on information to impact communities & ourselves.
So many neat things happening that give reason to believe we can still build a better world, even in the face of climate catastrophe & right-wing psychosis. We can't give up hope.
techxplore.com/news/2024-07... Bonkers. Still lab scale, but a team has created an anode free, solid state, sodium battery. It's basically just sodium and an aluminum (some powdered) current collector. Huge theoretical potential for abundance, fast charging, high density.
Lab creates world's first anode-free sodium solid-state batterytechxplore.com UChicago Pritzker Molecular Engineering Prof. Y. Shirley Meng's Laboratory for Energy Storage and Conversion has created the world's first anode-free sodium solid-state battery.
Personal Dignity* & Public Health^
Andre 3K on my temporal lobe till I flooooooooob
80K ppl live in Apple Valley (Mohave desert, CA) wut
kinda feel like it all manifested plenty? (Brexit is the ultimate “that didn’t hurt” ((80s Bobcat Goldwaith))
Cons: "The wokes made up this idea that countries and peoples have sins that have to be atoned for, Classical Liberals would never" Thomas Paine:
“State Capacity” 1927. (6’ x 18’. Oil on Canvas)
Regular reminder (no one reads me but I’m still self-conscious abt repeating myself) atmospheric CO2 for the next century (& only that, ideally) is a stock not a flow problem. A leak followed by a gradual reduction is a fucking DISASTER that we now have a pathway to avert.
Thanks largely to Biden and the Democratic party there is now a kind of global race to get to the mass, chear carbon-free energy. We're going to hit peak global emissions (fingers crossed) this year or next. We're deploying solar at a level that blowing away every single prediction.