
Opened twitter to find that weird anti-aging guy is telling everyone about how he botoxed his dick
i want to know how much that guy spends on PR, because he’s a loathsome piece of shit who keeps getting portrayed as the boy wonder who is going to live forever
idk anything about how loathsome he is other than the blood transfusions, which is creepy as hell but I guess *ultimately* harmless as long as he isn't depleting a limited reserve where he is.
whole lot of gross shit between him and a former lover
naturally. how could it have been anything different honestly.
Additionally, he started using his son as essentially a permanent donor, basically a blood bag he controlled. At some point, he was gonna start stealing organs based on how he talked.
He's apparently pretty loathsome in his personal life if you dig in as well but the whole "son as bloodbag" is mostly just weird
I had also forgotten it was literally his kid and not a blood bank, so
if anything letting middle-aged rich people cope with the fantasy of immortality is less destructive to society than the eugenics pivot most of them made when they realized it wasn't gonna be achievable
yeah, not looking forward to seeing how that develops
it's even based on outdated research, donating plasma will get you the actual clinical benefits... and they PAY you for it!
summary: seems like there's not a "youth factor" but there is an "old factor." Removing some of your plasma and replacing it with a neutral solution (instead of letting your body's old and busted plasma generation equipment do it) seems to reduce the "old factor" somewhat.
It's vaguely stupid but logical once you know about it, which is the hallmark of real science. Nature don't care about your one weird trick. "Replace one-sixth of your blood plasma with a neutral solution" was not an option until quite recently
and donating plasma approximates TPE closely enough to work?
My understanding is that it is the same process in terms of getting the plasma out of you. It's possible they just put in saline instead of some kind of special solution with albumin instead, but IDK the full protocol. I imagine the benefit is not easily determined if you are still a Youth
it seems like one could maybe do this with one's own plasma / find a way of filtering this harmful stuff out?
in a sense that's what you do, you're just throwing out the old shit and replacing it with neutral material (vs. someone else's plasma). Like changing water in a fishtank