
Mike X. Nichols
Mike X. Nichols
fought the void but the void won | they/them | rn, writer, former medic
Apetivist ☭ 🇵🇸 🔻 🏳️‍🌈 👨‍🦼😷
Apetivist ☭ 🇵🇸 🔻 🏳️‍🌈 👨‍🦼😷
Socialism & Communism (ML)
Main source of income is recycled bike puns

Dad biker, Mountain biker, Bike-packer, Cargo biker, Sheriff of Bike Town, DIY Dream Coach, Pedaler of puns, Alt (bar) lifestyle, Jaywalking enthusiasts,🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈+

Hey 🚗🧠, check your transport privilege
James Rustler
James Rustler
Post understander
nattie winters
nattie winters

computer and sound hag at

sign up for our mailing list at
Oc(cam) Wilhelm O'Donoghue
Oc(cam) Wilhelm O'Donoghue
bro, stop killing people with my taxes

UAW, Student of MLM☭, Caniac, owo

Arin Arcady
Arin Arcady
you're lucky to even know me

Brock Wilbur
Brock Wilbur
“I solved the case of the missing time capsule when I was twelve years old. The mayor gave me the key to the fucking city.”
Rook Saproling
Rook Saproling
Just a guy. A cat dad in Nanaimo who collects MagictheGathering MtG sets and watches way too much MST3k and Rifftrax. Lover of scifi Babylon5 StarTrek. NeverVoteConservative
Bittersweet 😍😳💀
Bittersweet 😍😳💀
Just another Boston-area resident letting off steam. Sunshine, corgis, Stucky, classic British mysteries, haunted attics
Marco L. Valbuena
Marco L. Valbuena
Chief Information Officer | Communist Party of the Philippines

E-mail: [email protected]
PGP Public Key:
Trans socialist who loves TV, cats, and karaoke
Benjamin Balthaser
Benjamin Balthaser
Assoc prof of multiethnic US lit; author of Anti-Imperialist Modernism & Dedication. A historically materialist girl living in a dialectic world. He/him. 🕎🌹Chicago 🐢
kez 🇵🇸
kez 🇵🇸
The powerful can kill one, two or 100 roses. But they will never be able to stop the coming of spring. communist ☭ mental health advocate
mainly seafood
mainly seafood
the hanseatic league never ended
Angela Collier
Angela Collier
Theoretical Physicist.

From Eastern KY.
Your mom | flatbush femme | I work a the games | I make a the art | I take a the hormones | 18+ minors keep out

Discord: spacey_kacey
the Carly Rae Jepsen B-Sides of iatethetv's tweets if you will
The French Republican Calendar
The French Republican Calendar
A celebration of the French Republican Calendar.

Posts daily at midnight EST

Website is
Christy Admiraal
Christy Admiraal
Lovable scamp living in Brooklyn (sorry). General enthusiast. Ebooks & marketing, JABberwocky Literary Agency. Mostly silly on here. She/her.
Watermelon 🇵🇸🔻☭🇳🇨
Watermelon 🇵🇸🔻☭🇳🇨
nothing is hard in this world if you dare to scale the heights
Laleh Khalili
Laleh Khalili
Politics, poetry, ports, pottymouth. She/her.

Typos and dropped words in every post, because sharing is caring.

Find me at [email protected]
DJ Billy Mac
DJ Billy Mac
Local jazz radio guy, movie/physical media fan, reader, old school/Nintendo gamer, cat haver
YPJ Information & Documentation Office
YPJ Information & Documentation Office
Information on military developments, ISIS activity, Turkish attacks on North & East Syria & the Rojava Women's Revolution | Run by the Women's Protection Units YPJ |
Foreign Languages Press
Foreign Languages Press
We publish books based on our understanding of the current needs and challenges that the ICM is facing.
Eric Jonathan Martin
Eric Jonathan Martin
There's four letters in "Hope". Opinions are also yours, and the views of your employer. Reposts are from my burner accounts. I don't know how many new socials I got left in me. He/Him. 1 Kings 19:6
Derek Hilligoss
Derek Hilligoss
Rotten pollex.
Your Administration Needs Upgradation
Your Administration Needs Upgradation
Proud recipient: A Lifetime of Horror on Monster Island.
Vile Shlomo
Vile Shlomo
Enjoyer of exotic firepower
Cool Jim
Cool Jim
double great
A Bottle of Ranch Dressing
A Bottle of Ranch Dressing
Fuck Blue Cheese Fuck Blue Lives Fuck Elon Musk
Defend the Weelaunee Forest
Defend the Weelaunee Forest
An autonomous, decentralized, movement fighting for the future of Atlanta. Submission-based platform. We are a media platform, we do not organize the things we post.
Philippine Revolution Web Central
Philippine Revolution Web Central
Features news, statements, and updates by the Communist Party of the Philippines, New People's Army, and National Democratic Front of the Philippines and its allied organizations.
Lone Audience of the Apocalypse
Lone Audience of the Apocalypse
(They/Them). Bootless inquisitor. Martyr to the moving image.
Mark ☭
Mark ☭
Appalachia based Marxist-Leninist-Maoist

"Nothing is hard in this world, if you dare to scale the heights!" - Chairman Mao
P.ᜃᜒ.B 🚩🔻
P.ᜃᜒ.B 🚩🔻
Feathered Spinosaurus Truther
Feathered Spinosaurus Truther
Sometimes I paint little plastic dudes
I was sick of the west when i turned 21 so i work to destroy the state.
bookworm, birder, & paddling person. 🛶
Jorts (and Jean)
Jorts (and Jean)
Jorts the cat.
Jean helps me.
Emi Zee
Emi Zee
tha chairman
anarcho extraterrestrial 👽 🖤
dual consciousness he/them
(3495 years old)
Amber & 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈🏴‍☠️
Amber & 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈🏴‍☠️
Ohio raised / Southern Braised
Pets are Soul Mates actually and they're an indicator of your spiritual life
A big ding dong
Booty Cohn
Booty Cohn
another day working at the head shop. everyone keeps asking me if they can fuck the bongs. buddy, they wont even let me fuck them