
I’ve been playing Cyberpunk 2077 again for the first time since launch. I thought the original game was a mess (even beyond the massive technical issues it felt like none of the pieces fit together well) but that it had some genuinely very cool storytelling and world building.
The Xbox Series X could pretty consistently run the Xbox version at 20-30 fps so it wasn’t unplayable, just unpleasant. The performance improvements alone make me want to spend more time in the world.
I’m doing a netrunner this time and building out the smart weapon tree is cool.
I played that game for the first time recently and thought it was really good
I want to play this but I'm particular about spending time on sub-par games, this is the push I was looking for.
It is no longer the bad game it was. It doesn’t totally come together but credit to this team, it’s a recommendable product now.
It's not the game they advertised in the slightest, but it's a really good Bethesda style RPG now.
The expansion seems good though I didn’t get all the way through it. The game’s big problem is the blandness of the side quests. They’re all very forgettable but just memorable enough to limit its replay value. They all end the same way no matter how you approach them
I’m excited to check it out and I am really enjoying going all in on the tech/stealth game.
You can see the gulf between the expansion side quest design and the og design. Its encouraging for the sequel if they actually spend the right amount of goddamn time making it. Seems like they learned a lot of lessons
Are they doing another one or going back to the Witcher for the foreseeable future?
i played it on launch with all the bugs and loved it, the updates and patches they kept putting out made it actually a good game. i was impressed by their dedication to the game. but we all know that just means they released the game 2 years too early.
It’s the game I keep returning to even though I’ve finished everything. I just love the details
They fixed everything and expanded on it. Made a lot of changed even from my playthrough in '22. Solid game.