Audi HD

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Audi HD

Biologist sick of AI hype
Petition to get Manny Jacinto into Bridgerton ASAP
The Acolyte is wild for this Star Wars aint ever been so STEAMY bruh goddamn
Really need techy people to stop interpreting everything as a computer, its getting ridiculous, and you've completely lost the plot because of it. Category errors everywhere
Straining the power grid and burning up the planet to constantly run warehouse sized calculators for calculating the probability distribution of words in texts is dumb as hell
I feel like I have to start posting “Great Moments in Leftism” comics cuz too many of yall on here are just dumb as fuck and a perfect example of why labor movements die
Reposted byAvatar Audi HD
students use AI to generate essays; educators use AI to grade it… AI that is built on the backbone of stolen data and packaged as a shiny EdTech tool that educational institutes have to pay a fortune for… folks, do you see who benefits from all of this?
No matter who says that these tools aren’t intended to replace teachers or how many times it’s said, that’s exactly what will happen. (Or it will be used as a justification for eliminating teacher jobs because now teachers can “grade” more efficiently)
A lot of yall just want to complain about Dems and libs. But I never see a lick of real analysis about a goddamn thing. No real aims. No goals. Wanna talk about both sides? You know fuck all about community or what we are fighting for. Just want YOUR chance to run the system that doesnt serve us
Reposted byAvatar Audi HD
The United States has always been a democracy for some and a brutal authoritarian regime for others, and the effort to expand it to democracy for all has led to a 70+ year backlash culminating in SCOTUS claiming that kings are totes cool and also judges are the ones to coronate them
The President is now King, rule of law over, status quo smashed to pieces. Dictatorship on deck, unchecked with the most powerful military apparatus in the history of humanity, no one else is capable of stopping it. And yall are still quibbling about Biden? Why are we talking about him at all?
Thinking a "simulation" is anything more than drawing pictures after calculating measurements is insane. Quit falling for this shit, there isn't a world inside the computer, it can't DO anything goddamnit.
Warms my heart to keep popping in to a bajillion notifications of a people absolutely COOKIN fools that think computers understand things
When you realize how much the scifi near-future hinges on AI and robots, its easy to see where techbro desperation and relentless hype comes from (aside from the grift money). So much of that shit just does not happen without magical computer brains. All the other tech is a fuckin HARD problem
I goddamn hate when I reword a post to make it clearer and reduce the character count, but forget to reread the whole thing after rewriting and leave an egregious grammatical error.
Powerscale obsessed nerds are the woooorrrrst fans of anything. "My dad could beat up your dad" is some dork-ass shit guys you ruin everything.
Man I had a plan to not be posting all morning but everyone has been spitting fire and I have felt compelled to join in.
The inability to distinguish “useful mathematical construct for measuring things” and “reality” is pretty telling.
I hate that I literally have to leave the room during cringe moments in tv shows and movies
Reposted byAvatar Audi HD
rather pissed off at the americans who were demanding violent punishments for the protesters at Stonehenge considering they did this to one of Native Americans' most important cultural sites.
Yall. Its. A. Fucking. Calculator. Be so fucking for real right now.
Everyone can stop qualifying with a (yet) for this all this AI shit because there isn't a single principled reason or anything inherent to the technology that will get it to where we want it. If a single person can tell me HOW its supposed to "improve" I'll consider it but you know you got nothin
Simplest explanation for the Fermi Paradox I never see discussed for some reason: nobody gets to leave their home planet. Space is too damn big and harsh to survive the trip. We went to the moon, immediately came back. Gone nowhere since. Yet we take planet hops for granted. Doing real shit is HARD
Reposted byAvatar Audi HD
Taking deep breaths and not going to hunt down all the people saying "oh ADHD and autistic people are just appearing in such large numbers because TikTok is making them feel that way." No. What we're seeing is massive underdiagnosis of people who've slipped through a poorly spun net.
Lets fuckkiiinnn GOOOOOOOO
Reposted byAvatar Audi HD
When you look up a word in the dic•tio•nary, the dots in the middle of the word aren't there to mark out the syllables of the word; they mark where you can put a hyphen if the word doesn't fit on one line. Sometimes that corresponds with syllables, sometimes not. (See "dictionary" above!)
ok i have another quote tweet prompt. what's something, big or small, related to your job or hobby, that most people don't know that you would like to have them know? it can be a concept, a piece of history, some vocabulary, or something else.
Its funny being with your unmelanated friends in the tropics, watching them struggle under the glorious glow of our life giver
If you take any of these models/ideas of intelligence that involve “information” or “computation” and actually tried to trace them thru a neurobiological basis, at some point its going to require a little homunculus reading and interpreting neural “codes” from “firing patterns.” Its RIDICULOUS
And no, you dont have to talk about every single molecular interaction to explain the mind. But if your model isnt built up with these base concepts in mind, your model is based on nothing, and could therefore be any arbitrary thing. Like expecting LLMs to understand the world from text alone.
And no, you dont have to talk about every single molecular interaction to explain the mind. But if your model isnt built up with these base concepts in mind, your model is based on nothing, and could therefore be any arbitrary thing. Like expecting LLMs to understand the world from text alone.
Just piling up abstractions completely divorced from the fact that you have to…move really tiny physical shit around in specific ways.
Just piling up abstractions completely divorced from the fact that you have to…move really tiny physical shit around in specific ways.
People stay trying to cram biology into some weird mold shaped by our latest technology instead of just looking at what is right in front of them. “There has to be some kind of [thing]!” But thing ignores all the material challenges of reality for some fancy over intellectualized model of reality
People stay trying to cram biology into some weird mold shaped by our latest technology instead of just looking at what is right in front of them. “There has to be some kind of [thing]!” But thing ignores all the material challenges of reality for some fancy over intellectualized model of reality
Its annoyingly hard to get people to grasp that us and our “intelligence” is from 60 or so trillion “robots” made of chemistry and physics working together, moving matter and energy around. And no, the robots have nothing to do with computers, logic, or information. Just try to think about it.