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AuDHD, CPTSD (she/they) ~Bangalore,India ~
Maker of beautiful things(Knitting & Crocheting)
Bedbound by ME/CFS now
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everyone should have to learn how to make a piece of clothing so they can have a more accurate grasp of just how much work goes into clothing production and how horrifically underpaid garment workers are for the amount of work they do
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It is! Probably the hardest one I ever tried. 🙆
🧶 knitting - Just realised that I confused row gauge and stitch gauge and decided to make one size up when actually I have to go one size down. A lot of work, but the most horrifying part is letting go of the tubular cast on. 😭
🧶 knitting - I cannot imagine the person I was while choosing colours for my #pressedflowerscardigan . Gonna look like a danger sign, maybe that is what i need. 🫣
🧶 knitting - something something is visible now. I cannot imagine the effort required to block this one. Have two more repeat rounds - torn between binding this off and buying more yarn to finish this Why lace knitting is so hard and yet so rewarding ? 😭
🧶 knitting - Trusting the process. I have no idea what I am making, but keep going because I have not broken the pattern yet. How do you people handle circular shawls?
In trade for great metaphors, the ones you used to spout every minute, I'd extend your bedtime, be more patient with tantrums, never answer urgency with urgency, try to stay serene. - To one now grown by Naomi Shihab Nye #Poetry #LiteratureSky 💙📚👀
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Sometimes you have to realise that you are an exception to the living standards in your country and that most of the other people living in your country don't enjoy those same standards.And if someone else points that out,you don't have to get defensive.
I choose to risk my significance; to live so that which came to me as seed goes to the next as blossom and that which came to me as blossom, goes on as fruit. - Untitled by Dawna Markowa #Poetry #LiteratureSky 💙📚👀
Officially ending mango shopping. Hopefully, the ritual shall continue. Bought some jackfruit bulbs. But I miss the pleasure of digging the whole fruit and eat like the wild person I used to be.
Perhaps the moon is a frozen tear, I do not know. Perhaps God is only a deep voice heard by the deaf, I do not know. - The Poet of Ignorance by Anne Sexton #Poetry #LiteratureSky 💙📚👀
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The number of losers on Twitter, per inch of scrolling, should be the metric that stops you from ever going back there
Found this on reddit. Made my day!
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"There is no heaven.There is life,and there is nothing." -Chapelwaithe
Ah, the quote game. Excellent. I see your Chapelwaithe and raise you - “For there is never anything but the present, and if one cannot live there, one cannot live anywhere.” ― Alan W. Watts, The Way of Zen
Only these brief moments of exchange. What if they are the true dwelling of the holy, these fleeting temples we make together when we say, “Here, have my seat,” “Go ahead — you first,” “I like your hat.” - Small Kindnesses by Danusha Laméris #Poetry #LiteratureSky 💙📚👀
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True words… For so long in my life, I thought I was broken and messed up. Turns out, I was just with the wrong people. Like the story of the Ugly Duckling, when I found my people, I came to truly live and love my life!
A single thought can make loneliness seem frighteningly new. We destroy the paths of rivers to make room for the sea. -Meditation for the silence of morning by Adam Clay #Poetry #LiteratureSky 💙📚👀
🧶 knitting - Trusting the process. I have no idea what I am making, but keep going because I have not broken the pattern yet. How do you people handle circular shawls?
🧶 knitting - Messed up twice after transferring to circular needles. Tomorrow going to start fresh.🙆
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Colorful drawing layered over knit fabric Knit Art! The piece was created on a Brother vintage knitting machine. The piece is based on a digital portrait drawing I did in Procreate. #knittingmachine 🧶 #portraitart #knit #knitting #art #fiberart
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I’ll do an official post and newsletter and all tomorrow but if you are awake and have been waiting there are finally some little dragony book friends in the shop 👀📚🧶
Of the little words that come out of the silence, like prayers prayed back to the one who prays, make a poem that does not disturb the silence from which it came. - How to be a poet by Wendell Berry #Poetry #LiteratureSky 💙📚👀
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Living with schizophrenia is like navigating a constantly shifting landscape where reality and illusion blur, making everyday life a complex and often isolating experience.
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Time for an economics lesson.
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For #DisabledPrideMonth/DisabilityPrideMonth i would love to spread some awareness of neurodivergent communication styles, and what they mean. Abled folx often get a “vibe” about neurodivergents - but not knowing precisely what’s causing it, they tend project a fear onto our “being weird” #ableism
When we’re talking to someone who is not #neurodivergent, they will often project onto us what *they* would mean, if they said something similar. It’s hard for them to remember that not everyone thinks the way they think…because most people do. But this is what ND is. Having a different process.
To others, all attentive. To his own needs, indifferent. A tireless social human being, destined always to know defeat like a twin-brother. - I met a man once by Nissim Ezekiel #Poetry #LiteratureSky 💙📚👀
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No Explosions - a poem by Palestinian American poet Naomi Shihab Nye.
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Sometimes it takes darkness and the sweet confinement of your aloneness to learn anything or anyone that does not bring you alive is too small for you. - Sweet Darkness by David Whyte #Poetry #LiteratureSky 💙📚👀
So much of the world exists without us the mountain in its own steepness the deer sliding into the trees becoming a darkness in the woods' darkness. - Gregory Djanikian #Poetry #LiteratureSky 💙📚👀