
“Ph.D. level intelligence” is an oxymoron, because it’s not intelligence that defines a Ph.D. LLMs lack curiosity, enthusiasm, or interest, nor can they be responsible for their own research. LLMs can’t even ensure the truthfulness of their own generated text.
Well, to be fair, not being able to ensure the truthfulness of one's text is a common PhD student experience
Today I asked Meta AI about web buttons and it kept trying to send me picture of assorted coat buttons.
And none of them are made out of spiderwebs.
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The AI industry is being driven by slogans designed to make people believe it's revolutionary rather than just somewhat useful. The investment is off the charts, and they are worried about paying the bills.
I was hoping someone would state the obvious: AI itself is an oxymoron by example.
AI is a very real concept, it just has little to do with the existing ML/LLM models.
I did not state that AI is a concept. In sum: stop AI & anyone or institution that forces it on Humanity must be stopped
Particularly since scientists and engineers don't have a an agreed defintion of what "intelligence" actually is. I've followed AI and cognitive science since 1990. (When Japan announced that it would have a fully-functional AI by 2000. 😆😆) We still have no significant agreement on what it is.
Agreement is key. Humanity does not agree to AI.
For me, AI isn't even an intelligence. It's a voice driven Internet appliance augmented with a profile of human contextual expectations. And intelligence would (IMO) would have self-motivation. And we really REALLY don't want that to happen!
So maybe completely burnt out grad student level intelligence?
I'm sitting here giggling because an LLM is also a legal (post-JD) scholar. And yet given the legal profession's slavish devotion to precedent, the statement may very well still apply!
The whole reproducibility crisis suggests that many PhDs can't ensure the truthfulness of their text either 😅
But PhDs do ensure the text and “data” is most convenient for them in those cases though.
LLMs are sociopathic liars, which is why VC tech bros love them so much.
You mean LLM's don't try and get published and do peer review?
So you're the other kind of doctor then, you know, the lesser kind, who like the Dr before their names?
If you read past the headlines, this quote is taken specifically by Microsoft as well as OpenAi's CTOs who suggested that the next generation of chatgpt will be capable of passing PhD level exams. Murati echoed that this is also task specific. So no, no one's suggesting any real intelligence here
But there’s no such thing as a PhD-level exam: a PhD is a research degree which specifically requires you to make a novel contribution to the field in your thesis. You can’t obtain a PhD simply by regurgitating existing knowledge- and that’s a bit of a problem for an LLM.
Have you considered that this is purely just marketing hype?
No, the possibility has never crossed my mind. Thanks for raising it.
Good, because you seem to have forgotten. So don't take what they say so personally or like you know what you are talking about.
If you think what I said showed that I've forgotten, I suggest you re-read what I wrote - and as for assuming I don't know what I'm talking about, I'll let you get on with that :).
Maybe they mean it could do the viva?
I look forward to an LLM taking a viva and, in response to being asked "Did you consider X, Y and Z?", telling the examiners to eat rocks. Might well be a more honest rendition of the candidate's internal monologue than what the candidate would actually say, of course.
It’s almost as if these executives have no idea how an LLM works.
😁😁😁 Having been a bleeding-edge tech for 35+ years (retired) I can say with confidence that they NEVER understand what they manage.
Yeah, I know the meetings: CTO: So… can we say this? [marketing pitch] Developers: [long, detailed explanation of why we cannot in fact say that] CTO: So that works then? Great! [gets up, hurries out]
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I mean all they need is a functioning prefrontal cortex and they’re all set. 👀
Wow This is a great learning How do you know all this…?
Hmmm.... considering you were discussing graduate degrees, I thought for a sec you were referring to Masters of Laws students. Sigh...