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Fondly remembering haunting used bookstore stacks.
Writer of stories. Owner of impressive TBR piles.
#mysteries #suspense
Gardener. Person who draws. Love animals. Ever curious. Walker. Love learning. History calms me.
Reposted byAvatar Cheryl
in all the (appropriate) memorializing of Shelley Duvall as a performer in the work of male auteur directors, spare a thought for her own auteur work: Faerie Tale Theatre was one of the few actually good media products aimed at children in the 1980s, but because it didn't sell toys it's forgotten
Seethe at will.
Remember that to the tech elite: 1) art is merely content 2) creativity is worthless 3) AI systems should be allowed to steal from every writer and artist to make the tech companies even richer.
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Madonna of the Snoot. Inspired by Jeannette Ng's photograph of her dog wrapped in a towel. From 2020
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Esperanza shared this pic from where she was planting hundreds of acres of tomato plants in Williams, CA. The tomatoes will be harvested and delivered to US stores in the summer. #WeFeedYou
Happy Easter - Frohe Ostern - Joyous Ēostre Image credit:
Reposted byAvatar Cheryl
A little marginalia. Gorleston Psalter, England c. 1310-1324. BL, Add 49622, fol. 202v.
I had been habitually more of a novel reader over the course of my life, but of late, a meaty short story .... Well, what do you think? Musing prompted by this post:
What's American Fiction Without the Short Story? A short paean for the Great American Literary Form
‘His soul swooned slowly as he heard the snow falling faintly through the universe and faintly falling, like the descent of their last end, upon all the living and the dead.’ ~ James Joyce, The Dead. #BookWormSat #WorldMetDay 🖼️ Caspar David Friedrich
Reposted byAvatar Cheryl
Avatar Hello there. I like your account a lot. Looking through the Norwegian National Library I found 'cats of yore' that's definitely cats of yore. I'd like to show you these pictures that was taken in 1890 somewhere in Norway. Bet they loved their cat.
As I sit with my pulled back, I am hungry to walk. Walking. Writing. The magic of the two together.
RUNNING: A July 1999—March 2024
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I’m currently writing two books. One science fiction and the other a thriller. Having fun jumping from one style to the other.
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"Why cook when you can serve leftovers in a new box" is winning phrase of the week.
Ok but that doesn't actually serve the purpose of recapturing the audience that made the first one a hit with zero effort from the suits so they will keep making versions of it till one tanks and that is the MO with every single IP that they own. Why cook when you can serve leftovers in a new box
Reposted byAvatar Cheryl
Ah - this is a good one.
Words To Live By Number 57 (Via Ryan Holiday, expert on the Stoics)
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The Most Beautiful Shots in Movie History, including those from 2001, Black Swan, My Neighbor Tortoro, Blade Runner, Mad Max Fury Road, Citizen Kane, and North by Northwest. Also includes several links to yet more amazing film shots. []
The Most Beautiful Shots in Movie From a YouTube channel called The Solomon Society, a pair of videos that some of the most beautiful shots in the history of film. When Denis Villeneuve emphasizes the important of image in film, these are the kinds o
Your tasty Kandinsky painting for today.....
I can't tell you too much about FUTURE'S EDGE yet, but I can say the book was inspired by this Kandinsky painting
Reposted byAvatar Cheryl
Omg, I just learned about something called an "emotional support pickle" and I think this is the most adorable thing ever. 🫠
Quite chilling.
I wrote a little story on - well, you decide. Ping me a cup of tea if you like, or just read it here for free...
The Joanne Harris and the Storytime Band published a post on Ko-fi
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Annotating the book. I'm just like a booktok girlie now
Celebrating Edward Gorey :)
A page from THE HAPLESS CHILD (1961), my favorite book by Edward Gorey, who was BOTD in 1925
I am putting my website together for the XXth time (that's not meant to be Roman numeral '20'; I just can't recall which version this is) ... and realizing I must madly-quickly put together a book of short stories so it's ready for next month's book fair. 📚
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No matter how shiny a new social media platform looks, it's only as good as the content & community experience. Another reminder (for myself, too!): YOUR CREATIVE WORK NEEDS TO COME FIRST.
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Art is hard and the journey is long. Whatever you do—writing, painting, sewing, music, etc—keep going. And remember what Miles David said, "Sometimes it takes you a long time to sound like yourself."
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