
I say this while assiduously trying not to cast aspersions on any person or outlet in particular but if you beat a particular drum for months; see a particular event as vindication for doing so; write piles of panicky copy as a result; then see polling contradict you... ... maybe take a knee?
CNN's new poll doesn't establish some failsafe alternative to Biden for Democrats. But it does run against the twin ideas that the debate itself doomed Biden and that Harris isn't a viable alternative.
Analysis | A new national poll turns post-debate conventional wisdom on its As always, though, we should be cautious about reading too much into one poll.
I think you’re missing the point. He was behind and needed the debate to put him ahead. He can’t execute on any of the things he needs to do to overcome the gap with a sociopathic convicted felon. That’s a problem.
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They don't need a debate. There is no debate between the two parties, policy wise.They just need evidence of the current President being in charge. If he's not, everything comes undone.
Yeah, I don’t think a debate will be coming unless Trump falls behind. He needs to demonstrated clear extemporaneous speech that demonstrates that he’s neither confused nor forgetful, and he needs to do it consistently and with minimal planning or external aid (no teleprompter).
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