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storyteller through games, short fiction, and journalism. he/they.
It's always, always going to baffle me when some dude goes "can't we just put politics aside and agree that violence is bad"? If these were purely theoretical discussions in a world where everyone had equal rights and opportunities and care, sure, absolutely But my guy you're going to go VOTE
the thing to take from tragedies: you must heed the warning - take one exultation, and call me in the morning. #smallpoemsunday
happy #smallpoemsunday! 💜 if you feel so inclined, you can post small poems you wrote +/or small poems you love by someone else :) here are a few poems by Buck Downs from his book Recreational Vehicle (available in a slick new republished form here: www.lulu.com/shop/buck-do...) & one by me~
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CW: cancer This is what costs look like for someone fighting the good fight. Owen - a person who has helped so many others in the TTRPG space - needs support to get through this thing. Shares appreciated.
Fuck. $67k. Chemoradiation is expensive. This is 1 bill. If you're able, (and *please* only if you are), every contribution helps. If not liking and sharing this post as far and wide as possible increases the chances of it reaching someone who can spare a bit. www.gofundme.com/f/help-owen-...
As a BIPOC writer who lives in fairly extreme poverty: do not continue following me if you do not value someone getting to eat and have shelter above some online activist bs. I hate the NYT as much as any sane person does - but whatever I think about it, a POC writer has food and shelter.
Paycheck didn't land on time due to some snafu with my bank. This has graduated from "I would like to put some extra food in the house" to "I need help getting *any* food whatsoever." Shares appreciated.
gonna throw a little #mutualaid request out there i would much prefer that i not be carefully rationing every ounce of food i have in my house til Friday, because this is causing immense anxiety and further focus issues i'm hoping to get $75 to get groceries in the house through Friday/Saturday
Pay Chesley Oxendine using PayPal.Mepaypal.me Go to paypal.me/COxendine and type in the amount. Since it’s PayPal, it's easy and secure. Don’t have a PayPal account? No worries.
Reposted byAvatar ULTRACHEZ
gonna throw a little #mutualaid request out there i would much prefer that i not be carefully rationing every ounce of food i have in my house til Friday, because this is causing immense anxiety and further focus issues i'm hoping to get $75 to get groceries in the house through Friday/Saturday
Pay Chesley Oxendine using PayPal.Mepaypal.me Go to paypal.me/COxendine and type in the amount. Since it’s PayPal, it's easy and secure. Don’t have a PayPal account? No worries.
gonna throw a little #mutualaid request out there i would much prefer that i not be carefully rationing every ounce of food i have in my house til Friday, because this is causing immense anxiety and further focus issues i'm hoping to get $75 to get groceries in the house through Friday/Saturday
Pay Chesley Oxendine using PayPal.Mepaypal.me Go to paypal.me/COxendine and type in the amount. Since it’s PayPal, it's easy and secure. Don’t have a PayPal account? No worries.
I'm in that doldrum right before my paycheck hits where there's not enough food in the house and no money to get any. It's down to rationing, and that causes anxiety that makes me overspend to make myself feel better when I *do* get paid. Ulg, I dislike this cycle immensely.
Oh, dear. Another dogged contender... Welcome, unkindled one. Purloiner of cinders. Mind you, the mantle of Lord interests me none.
He would cleave the general ear With horrid speech - make mad the guilty, Appall the free, confound the ignorant, And amaze indeed the very faculties Of eyes and ears.
What would he do Had he the motive and the cue for passion That I have?
Reposted byAvatar ULTRACHEZ
What would he do Had he the motive and the cue for passion That I have?
Reposted byAvatar ULTRACHEZ
If you do this, please unfollow (or even better, block) me. And/or re-examine your moral compass or something, for fuck's sake
to everyone reporting mutual aid accounts - you are fucking scum
I yearn for TTRPG discourse where people just assume I mean "if this works for your table" when I am asked for advice on how to run tables I once had someone get extremely upset that I preferred having player character death on the table in my games; they thought I disliked their preference
I ever tell y'all about my goblin wizard, Scorch-Bottom the Dogwarmer? He's named after the thing he's best at - burning butts and/or the people thereby attached - and the coolest thing he's ever done, which is ward off his boss' warg by setting the creature briefly alight. I love Scorch-Bottom.
Reposted byAvatar ULTRACHEZ
💥Wait? I have to unmurder myself?!? Come watch my dumb ass fail at really cool ghost themed puzzles to save myself and the world!🗡️ Gob Trick: Phantom Detective! Live on Twitch in two hours~! Be present or be passé!
I think one of the reasons I struggle as a *player* in TTRPGs vs. being the GM is that I'm not really a fan of stories where the main character is made out to be *more* special than anyone else. It makes me feel sheepish when a character I'm piloting ends up in that position, at any rate.
I can tell something's wrong with my head tonight 'cos my brain is just ~mush~ and all I've done today is pick away at a new Elden Ring character so I don't have to try the DLC again on NG+ to get a questline I missed. It would be one thing to be weird but being weird and *self-aware* sucks.
If I'm going to spend much of my teenage and early adult years watching fantasy writers co-opt Indigenous imagery, and portray their limited understanding of Indigenous beliefs, by mapping them onto Orcs, I'm going to go ahead and just become an orc. Rargh, raiding party, ooh, ahh.
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If you're worried about brevity in your writing, don't. It took Project 2025 nine hundred pages to say fourteen words.
controversial opinion: the most beautiful part of each souls game is the process of uncovering the story behind the ruin. speaking as someone who has beaten every ounce of souls content out there: letting more people do that with difficulty settings and a pause button is a good thing.
does anyone else have like - a thing you know damn well is problematic but snuck into your writing/methods of expression anyway typing in all lowercase letters when i'm just kind of jabbering vs. Serious Talk, as well as capitalizing the first letters to emphasize words the way i just did...
In other news that class labeler has done a wonderful job of dishing out #PF2e classes to everyone. If folks ever want to give their labeled class a shot, we should arrange a game. :D
I remain mystified at tentpole media's habit of being willfully ignorant of the things they cover. The NYT very frequently publishes things - such as a flowery, breathlessly fascinated profile of an invitation-only conservative nationalist society - that would get a younger journo fired.
Reposted byAvatar ULTRACHEZ
Hey! Loved the post. Mind if I add something unhelpful?