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Dangerous, very dangerous.
LISTEN to what he's saying. If he gets elected, your vote won't matter any more.
Reposted byAvatar Luca
Reposted byAvatar Luca
Reposted byAvatar Luca
Why are multimillionaires and billionaires like Peter Thiel, Rupert Murdoch, Travis Kalanick, Steven Mnuchin, and others are rallying behind Trump? Yes, the tax cuts. But there's more. The more Trump tears down democracy, the safer the oligarchy becomes.
Reposted byAvatar Luca
'Assumir que se é contra o aborto significa declarar que se aceita que as mulheres voltem a abortar clandestinamente pondo em perigo a saúde e até a vida. Significa também aceitar que apenas as mulheres ricas poderão abortar em condições dignas'
Sebastião Bugalho gagueja quando fala de O receio de declarar sem reservas a sua posição sobre o aborto ficou à vista de quem assistiu à entrevista.
Enquanto as ofensas de André Ventura são enquadradas canonicamente como manifestações da liberdade de expressão, os ativistas ambientais pacíficos são sistematicamente retratados no nosso espaço público como criminosos. Liberdade de expressão de quem?
Liberdade de expressão de quem? Enquanto as ofensas de André Ventura são enquadradas canonicamente como manifestações da liberdade de expressão, os ativistas ambientais pacíficos são sistematicamente retratados no nosso espaço públi...
Reposted byAvatar Luca
Memo to the media: Don't write about corporations suddenly lowering prices without mentioning how their profits have been skyrocketing or their tax bills have been shrinking. They could have kept prices lower all along. They chose note to. Give people the full picture.
Reposted byAvatar Luca
'Bankers profited at the expense of the rest of society. In dollar terms, the cost to the rest of us exceeded the banks’ gains. Neoliberalism in practice was what can be described as “ersatz capitalism,” in which losses are socialized and gains privatized.'
Survival of the Wealthiest: Joseph E. Stiglitz on the Dangerous Failures of Political debates often don’t take on quite the sophistication and complexity of the intellectual debates that lie behind them and, in part, motivate them. With the Iron Curtain coming down in 1991…
Reposted byAvatar Luca
Remember: If markets were actually competitive, corporations would keep their prices as low as possible as they competed for customers. Instead, the concentration of the American economy into the hands of a few corporate giants gives them the power to raise prices with impunity.
Reposted byAvatar Luca
Trump is the greatest fantasy of the mediocre white man. He's living the dream: rich, powerful, unaccountable and need not put any effort into anything, he blurts out whatever comes to mind and everyone has to pretend it's true and clever and such a good idea, sir.
seems very much part of the idea that Trump is consciously a celebration of white mediocrity. “we can be shit and look like shit and still occupy the most powerful office in the world, and you, ordinary white mediocrity, can live vicariously through me.”
Reposted byAvatar Luca
Modern fascists always attack women, immigrants, & LGBTQ+ people first. They long for a white-led, patriarchal, theocratic society. Remember that when you see reproductive rights, gay rights, and migrant rights stripped away.
As long as big companies are allowed to operate in nearly oligopoly, that's the result.
Today’s CPI report shows meat & poultry are among the highest items pushing inflation. Maybe that's because just 4 companies now control processing of 80% of beef, nearly 70% of pork, and almost 60% of chicken. Without competition, corporations can get away with price gouging.
The only thing that matters is greed. Who cares about climate change?
Shell has threatened to quit the London stock market in what would be a hammer blow to the City. Chief executive Wael Sawan said the oil giant was looking at ‘all options’ – including the possibility of moving its share listing to New York.
City shock as Shell threatens to quit London for Shell chief exec Wael Sawan (pictured) said the oil giant was looking at 'all options' - including the possibility of moving its share listing to New York.
Reposted byAvatar Luca
Reposted byAvatar Luca
In the past decade, Boeing spent nearly $70 billion on buybacks and dividends while simultaneously cutting corners on production. This mindset is all too common in corporate America: Maximize profits and investor returns no matter the cost to everyone else. Hello?
And this is working not only in the US.