
Modern fascists always attack women, immigrants, & LGBTQ+ people first. They long for a white-led, patriarchal, theocratic society. Remember that when you see reproductive rights, gay rights, and migrant rights stripped away.
That's not exactly a modern fascists thing, thats just par for the course for fascists, Its literally Hitler and Goebbells vintage cultural bolshevism checklist, just in english.
Tbh, if they want this so badly, they can like, jump into a time machine back to the European Middle Ages, and then see if they can even survive a *day* 💀
Much wider than fascists. Patriarchates.
I feel that Venn Diagram is just a circle completely encompassed by a slightly larger circle.
Exactly! And the Main Street media ignores the motives of these fascists. They despise people of color, women who aren’t subordinate to their husband and LGBTQ. They love dictatorships as long as their guy is in power.