
I'm not a good-looking dude, and I try not to be shallow, but if you walked up to me on the street, handed me a photo of this guy, and asked, "Would you like to hear his opinions on voting?" I would pull an NFL-worthy stiff arm
He also looks like a baby Hitler
It's not even that he's not handsome so much as he styles himself like an 1930s Oxford student but can't pull it off. I long to flush his head down a toilet
He's got weird eyes. Too close together. I don't like it.
The dork can't even center his tie correctly
He's wearing an Oxford with a tie, and he's leaving the collar unbuttoned to try to hide it. Like a disinterested parochial school teenager.
That pathetic excuse for a mustache gives off strong "chased away from a junior high playground by the gym teacher" vibes.
That's the exact vibe! Catholic schoolboy who sucks up to Fr. O'Hara but tortures third-graders at recess