Joe Flynn

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Joe Flynn

Basketball writer.
So you think THE POSTMAN sucks, do you? Then how do you explain Larenz Tate as Ford Lincoln Mercury.
I think there's been some counterintuitive championing of both WATERWORLD and THE POSTMAN as being kind of underrated and fun but I think even people who kind of like them should admit that they are not movies that should be expected to be popular with audiences or justify their budgets.
ROBIN HOOD: PRINCE OF THIEVES is great, actually, because it has the proper mix of actors phoning it in and actors going balls-to-the-wall for no real reason, led by Alan Rickman
And of course a huge piece of Costner's bankability that allowed him to make those was from ROBIN HOOD PRINCE OF THIEVES which sucks and has to be the least remembered movie in my lifetime to be the #2 movie in the domestic box office for a year
Avatar Leonard Leo is up in Maine right now, tearfully burning his Joan of Arc flag, not realizing the inherent irony because he's a fucking dunce.
BREAKING: Upside side down French flag spotted outside the Alitos' summer residence
America's political system sucks ass and yet somehow this post is still true!
It’s crazy how much more awesome America’s Parliament is than any other country’s parliament
Reposted byAvatar Joe Flynn
Loving these quotes from Iranians explaining their vote. CC: Americans who think there’s little difference between Biden and Trump.
RFK Jr.'s got a 9/11 take! Would you believe that it totally sucks?
Avatar instead of writing about the current state of the world, which sucks, write about Linda Fiorentino in the 90s, which was awesome
have not personally investigated accounts of Linda Fiorentino being hard to work with & therefore having her career evaporate by the early aughts. However, knowing only that her work was stellar & she was one of my fav actresses when i was growing up, i will attribute her fall to anti-Italian racism
Lmao they just changed the title of the piece from “Why I don’t vote” to “Why I won’t vote” rather than tell readers that the guy actually does vote
Just found out my cat George's kidneys are failing. I had to lie down, and he came over to comfort me. Ahhhh fuck
Me on July 4th reading about Knicks front office salary cap machinations in a trade involving Keita Bates-Diop, Shake Milton, and Mamadi Diakate:
I'm not a good-looking dude, and I try not to be shallow, but if you walked up to me on the street, handed me a photo of this guy, and asked, "Would you like to hear his opinions on voting?" I would pull an NFL-worthy stiff arm
He also looks like a baby Hitler
Avatar THIS is the "don't vote" op-ed guy? He looked like a sack of shit in his byline photo, and the NYT actually had to clean him up to make him look that shitty.
Nazi cosplay doughboy with top-10 all-time punchable face has opinions huh
Listening to 90s punk and ska this morning like a good American.
The Dems need a messaging palate-cleanser, which means it's probably time for James Carville to pen another of his patented "Biden is in trouble because broads are too uppity these days" op-eds
Avatar Richie Sexton with a baggy jersey, sweet sideburns and a goatee. Only this can heal America.
Reposted byAvatar Joe Flynn
Listen man, I took a 50% pay cut to go from the corporate world to work for a state policy-focused think tank when Trump was president. I do this shit because I think it's important for the country my kids will grow up in, not as part of some grift. I don't actually want bad things to happen.
yes some Democrats are gleeful about this fundraising opportunity. That's the problem.
Don't blame me, I voted for Doom
Avatar So apparently in the next Dune, the emperor turns into an immortal giant worm/human hybrid. Physically, Trump's body already seemed to be heading in that direction, and he apparently already has godlike powers. Makes you think...
Fuck off, Supreme Court. I'm still trying to deal with the Knicks losing Isaiah Hartenstein.
Avatar in all likelihood, we're going to be able to draw a direct line from a TV producer's decision to heavily edit a bankrupt real estate hustler to make him appear coherent for a reality show and the end of American democracy. Tremendous stuff. Very enjoyable.
Avatar Went to Ocean City, MD, and the amount of MAGA decor was impressive: Trump billboards, "Trump 2024: Lock & Load" flags, upside-down "stop the steal" flags. These folks are like Aquaman...they get stronger as they approach water
I'm watching an episode of Columbo with a young Ian McShane guest starring. What are y'all up to?
The Knicks traded five first-round picks for Mikal Bridges LOL kill me
Avatar This isn't sports media news, per se, but the dickhead who runs that Super70sSports Twitter account is absolutely HAUNTING to look a demonic vision out of Brian Wilson's worst acid flashback.
Reposted byAvatar Joe Flynn
He's a silent guardian. A watchful protector. A dark knight.
Reposted byAvatar Joe Flynn
the florida panthers choking and losing the stanley cup finals would close the same door to a trump presidency that the celtics' championship opened. we cannot allow the atrocities borne of the 2016 cubs world series victory to repeat themselves
Made some Chinese lion's head meatballs. Mostly pork, but I added bits of real lion head, so you know it's good.