
"every trick in the book" like, mostly agree to vote against fascists ? hell of a trick it is
It’s amazing the extent to which our billionaire tech bro overlords are just telling us out loud that they are rooting for fascism. Makes me slightly nostalgic for the days when American plutocrats plotted against democracy in secret.
Winning a popular vote is a foreign concept to fascists.
Yeah, for them getting the ~30% mark should be the Victory! As other central/right wing parties should then help them into power!
Far right: vote for us People: no FR: you devious scheming little bastards are denying us our victory!
It seems so simple, and yet, us Americans are soooo....
It was still a bit of a miracle here, and the far right have now an historically high representation in parliament But at least there's some kind of momentum among the broad leftist bloc I truly hope the US can have a similar thing soon
HahahahahahahahahahgahahHahahHahahhahahahahahahaghhggggwgwgaggagwagwgahagagahagaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa (Me too)
I will say that leftism and the labor movement in the US looks very different from the rest of the west, mainly there’s a lot more bombings and shootings cause the electoral path is almost always locked off for any leftist group (unless you’re around the Great Lakes) That’s just how its been
Alors que le gros trick de l'extrême droite c'était quand même de descendre le programme de la gauche sans aucun argument et les faire passer pour le camp de l'autoritarisme mais OUAIS C'EST LA GAUCHE QUI A MANIPULÉ
Et avec Boloré TV derrière comme organe de propagande. Et les mecs ne gagnent même pas. Des L O S E R S !
It's just like how Germany was robbed of its victory in WW2 by being so loathably evil and belligerent everyone agreed to to ally against it. It's almost like fascism is antithetic to democracy and everyone but fascists agree it can't be allowed to gain power.
The problem with fascists is that they only understand empathy, compassion, and cooperation as manipulative actions. Their’s will always be a poor world.
la révolution ne sera pas télévisée
"The far-left" when there was only one far-left candidate (who sadly didn't win), I ... 🤬
"They used every trick in the book >:c" *doesn't specify what those tricks were* *refuses to elaborate* *leaves*