
It’s amazing the extent to which our billionaire tech bro overlords are just telling us out loud that they are rooting for fascism. Makes me slightly nostalgic for the days when American plutocrats plotted against democracy in secret.
They're the subset of capital that least realizes how actually terrible for business fascists are and I think part of that is they're all special boys who run billion dollar companies that have never made any money.
As a german, looking at some of our biggest companies (and at where they got their riches from) i can guarantee you that fascism is a wonderful business opportunity for a select group of people. As always, the price is paid by the rest of us.
Oh, for some certainly. Some people get very rich out of it. Other's get their companies appropriated and no longer get to live out their dream of being little feudal lords over their working serfs because now the state can just come and take your company if they need to.
It’s probably better here to look at a system operating today like Russia where Putin broke the oligarchs and the whim of the dictator can make or destroy your fortune than it would be to look at Nazi comparisons *yet*.
Definitely. But people have an unhealthy tendency to think that misfortune never strikes themselves.
Especially the kind of person we are talking about, where they have a pathological degree of survivorship bias driving their worldviews.
The larger & more "tech" a business is, the more likely it is that they're run by people who think - incorrectly - they're too smart to be the losers in any game. They're probably looking forward to *competitors* being killed or just locked away with nobody giving a shit about their disappearance.
"every trick in the book" = got more votes this is why right wingers think letting people vote who don't vote the way right wingers want is election fraud / voter fraud a free & fair election is one in which right wingers get to vote & have their votes counted, and no one else
"every trick in the book" = candidates stepped back altruistically so that the greater good might prevail That's an utterly incomprehensible notion to these masters of the universe.
I had seen this the other day. Again, this is something VC and/or Tech bros will never grock:
THE sentence of the day: A Macronist incumbent in the Marseille region came in 3rd in her seat. She just dropped out to support the left. She said, about why she's maneuvering to block the far-right: "Defeats happen, but you can never recover from dishonor."
the peasants are so devious they use voluntary organizing against us
Totally! They are a batch of sociopaths who invented the term “virtue signaling” because they can’t conceive of any virtue that is’t false and/or being cynically deployed in bad faith to manipulate others.
Also a bit of “agreed to compromise instead of each leg of the left refusing to vote for anyone other than Their Very Own Special Guy” and probably a little “talked realistically with voters about the fascist game plan”
this is what they think is unfair, that their opponents did anything but politely lose
"Her victory"... The sense of entitlement with these people really is quite nauseating.
Too many of them bought into that "Mencius Moldbug" shit about reestablishing monarchy - with themselves as the new royals, of course. It's profoundly anti-pluralistic, and extremely dangerous.
I really feel like we lost something when we let NRx wriggle back into the shadows. That was an ideology that needed regular public humiliations.
These are people who didn’t get half the swirlies they had coming.
as usual the "dirty leftist trick" was just voting. compare to the Republican "tricks" of 2020: bogus lawsuits, fraud, and violence. despicable
I'm impressed how they all suddenly became experts on French politics. Even catturd lol.
I'm trying to figure out what he thinks constitutes a "trick".
The most dangerous weapon of all.
Over 200 candidates dropped out of the second round & supported their anti-National Rally candidate. The French have a history of tactical voting against the far right whenever they get close to power.
Yes. In fact, expressly how the system was designed to work.
*Reasonable* politics. Us Americans are jealous of reasonable politics.
I guess the candidates who dropped out could claim they went on strike, so yes.
this is also what happened in the 2020 dem primary and people acted like it was cheating that the candidate with 30% support didn’t end up winning
I think he’s referring primarily to third place candidates dropping out en masse to avoid creating spoilers.
Yes. It was pretty darn important. Not a trick though.
I wasn’t trying to suggest it was. Just translating Nazi tech bro into regular speak
Cooperating, apparently. Fighting back at all, really. Mostly: winning. SUCK IT, YOU SOULLESS CHIPS FOR BRAINS just go lie down on your bareass $5K/mo apt's concrete floor and have a wee weepfap to your favorite waifu. no one cares. fuck off.
I think people are mainly upset that Macron called RN's bluff after the EU election results, rather than letting them control the media cycle for the next year
The trick was left-leaning pols who finished third in the early election, stepped aside to prevent splitting the vote in this round. The opposite of RFK being funded by Trump's largest donor to hopefully split the Democrat vote here. Apparently, that doesn't count as a "trick".
Agreeing to bow out of the race I guess, when they realized they'd split the vote; a thing they are legally allowed to do.
What's even funnier, is this would be literally impossible in at least some US states (definitely in NY). NY won't take you off the ballot, except for a limited set of circumstances of which withdrawing isn't one. A candidate in Ithica, NY dropped out and won their election anyway, 2 years ago.
What Sacks is terrified of: French voters were informed and making a highly strategic voting decision en masse. Almost 70% voted. What if that happened in the US?
I think like 66% of the US electorate voted in 2020, which was higher than I had expected
“Used every trick in the book” aka electoral politics following French procedure you fucking toolbag
Like maybe it’s time to realize that most people just don’t like you.
and then he re-posts this:
"we can't vote our way out of this"
“can’t vote out way out of people not wanting to live under our rule”
By that measure, I'm sure he's livid that Trump was elected president despite losing the popular vote.
Wait till he hears about the Electoral college and U.S. Senate.