
Supreme Court rules 6-3 American Revolutionary War was incorrectly decided
If that means a return to a parliamentary system of government for the US, I'd take it!
Not that many parliaments are doing a fantastic job globally right now either, tho I do have a soft spot for them
Our system is done and I think we need to stop pretending that there is something left to salvage. No matter what we vote in November it's clear we no longer operate under rules and laws and are no longer a democracy in any sense of the word. Time for us to accept America's 1st democracy failed.
Technically we’re already on our second. The first failed nearly immediately.
think you can make some non-trivial claims to there being a few discontinuities
We have to think like the French. This marks the end of the American First Republic. There will be a hopefully brief Bourbon interlude, and then eventually an American Second Republic, by which time we may have learned some of the lessons of the first.
2016-tbd shall be known as the Whiskey Interregnum years or smth
I imagine something more like Rome, where the Senate allows a charismatic leader to assume dictatorial powers which quickly leads to the death of the Republic.
What we will likely get is an absurd patchwork of Iran-style theocracy, American capitalist corruption, an erratic leader who takes after Idi Amin, and the political and economic practices of mid 1970s Chile. Franco's Spain will look positively benign.
Also death camps, because there is no way you can suddenly store 11 million or so immigrants without killing a large percentage of them through disease and starvation.
Hmm. 1848 & brutal supressions of all the hopeful revolutions in European capitals come to mind. (Good soundtrack with Les Misérables). Was France free after 1918? Mais non. The 1941 fall of the 3rd Republic was worse. Then Algeria & end of the Fourth. Look to France only for food & wine perhap.
Not to mention they’re turning fascist again as we speak.
... and then you're right back where you started
USA ON CUSP OF TYRANNY The Supreme Court's ruling that shields the President frm prosecution in office kindles abuse of power&erosion of democracy. Trump's return to the White House is worry for coups and death of constitutional democracy, rule of law&America's global leadership!
We didn't even learn lessons from WWII, what are you talking about