Chris Dorr

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Chris Dorr

Maine, Oregon, two tattoos: Bosch & Boingo. Classic arcade lover, real estate agent, Lon Chaney wannabe and so forth.
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Just finished Deer Kings by and man, I am so glad I was never into football in my high school days. Now a folk horror about the academic team, that would be another matter.
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Not today. I’ve got the morbs.
Today is the golden anniversary of D&D! Still surreal to see how widespread it has become. Just joining my first campaign in 40 years! Nerd out!
Reposted byAvatar Chris Dorr
I know “found liable for rape in a court” isn’t as big a story as “rumored to have poor email security” but maybe the press can give this as much attention as they gave that?
This is a good question that all local reporters should be asking in their coverage — “did Trump have to register as a sex offender here?”
Avatar Another one down. Wolfman to go. That will probably wait until I’m snowed in NEXT year! These are tough but so fun to immerse in your work.
Avatar Man, Monarch was excellent! Excellent blend of kaiju goodness, compelling story and serious HEART! That finale...goddamn man, that hit hard. Well done and hoping for more! Thank you.
Just hearing the news that Susi Newborn passed. She was an absolute brilliant light of a human. The world is truly better off for having had here here. She was loved by many across the globe. RIP Susi, thank you, be at rest, & give Mom a hug!
Susi Newborn Obituary And Death: Remembering the Greenpeace Founder and Author Who Died of Susi Newborn, a renowned activist and author who dedicated her life to fighting for environmental and social justice, passed away on December 31, 2023, after
Holy mackerel! My hometown in Maine just got pummeled. Never seen the Shore Path get ravaged like this. Rising sea levels are not going to be pretty...
“Massive destruction on a proportion never seen” Island and Shore Path Take a Beating
Holy hell! What an amazing slice of 1977-78 that apparently few have seen. Blondie, XTC, the Fall, Elvis Costello, Ian Dury, Johnny Thunders, the Clash...and much more.
Reposted byAvatar Chris Dorr
It has deer, and surprises, and gifts (kind of). Plus donuts. So it counts as a festive season book that you must read AND gift to someone else. Plus is a spooky good writer
The Deer In 1989, Gary Sheldon and his friends created their own…
Reposted byAvatar Chris Dorr
there was a lot of buzz from 2016-2020 about a "post-truth" world, and in 2023 I think it really has taken hold. it's not a matter of existing in a bubble, it's that there really are no consequences (and lots of upside) to simply asserting forcefully things that are not reality
Reposted byAvatar Chris Dorr
Contract Settled, School Tomorrow. yes, portland kids have been out of class this entire time. congrats to the teachers who deserve far more.
Here in Portland, Oregon, the teachers are on strike and school is cancelled city wide. I fully support them and the union. Pay these people! @pdxteachers
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Reposted byAvatar Chris Dorr
Aww, at the SNL goodnights, Colin Jost’s cue card message to Dana & Paula Carvey from SNL after the tragic passing of Dex Carvey this week.
End of feed.