
Imagine writing a NYT piece talking about how the court, actually, is good right now. But Will Baude did it! Essentially, saying that all they get wrong was the Trump cases — and then insists, sort of, IDK, that even that was for what they thought were good reasons.
Trying to make a coherent whole of the court's handiwork this term takes an effort, to be sure. Ultimately, though, I think Will's throat-clearing to so strongly defend the court in all but the Trump cases is wrong. I'd look at my take as a counterview:
The spinelessness of John Chief Justice John Roberts doesn't want to lead. He is, though, carefully setting up a path to allow the right-wing court to respond to whatever comes its way in 2025.
I have lost my patience for credulous takes on the motives of this court
This isn't credulousness it's apologetics. This is someone who has bought into the conservative project trying to provide cover.
You do not, under any circumstances, gotta hand it to Chief Justice Roberts.
I am begging everybody to stop giving NYT your pageviews and subscription dollars. You are making journalism worse. Support small orgs and independent journalists. Find someone doing the reporting that you want to see and support it.
It me. I’m the independent journalist.
Focus on the second skeet. Promote that.
Yeah, sorry for not acknowledging that; I type out so many of these pleas that they’re sorta just muscle memory now! But yes, the work you’re doing at Law Dork is exactly the kind of thing that people need to support. Thank you for making a difference ❤️
I appreciate the context. Links are good. Also, the number of page views the NYT gets from Twitter is minuscule. The number of clicks they get from Bsky is a tiny fraction of minuscule. It just doesn’t matter. There are far more important things to obsess about.
I read elsewhere that this is a person who...clerked for Roberts. Very objective.
I've never seen "subservient to" spelled "unnerved" before.
All these hacks are being welcomed with open arms by the NYT.
The Rapist Fraudster will shutter the Times quickly to make his own “failing” prophecy come true.
Absolutely deranged: "The court is motivated by statesmanship, which the country sorely needs today. The problem is that this statesmanship is a form of the kind of outcome-oriented policymaking that the court disparages in other contexts."
Two lies in two clauses in that headline
Principled? This is probably the least principled SCOTUS in our history, despite them trying to look clean by "legalizing" their acceptance of bribes, eh hm, 'gratuities.'
Can someone explain Will Baude to me? I get he's a conservative, but how does a man write major articles on qualified immunity being unfounded and section three being self executing and yet still say stuff like this about the court? It just doesn't make sense to me, Roberts clerk or not.