
The guy pretending to be smart and logical is the worst kind of dumb guy.
Absolutely certain he's referred to himself as a polymath or autodidact at some point, and also will set off on a rant that you're just not intelligent enough to understand it if you're even slightly critical of Rick and Morty, South Park, Jordan Peterson, or Joe Rogan.
Even a two second glimpse of South Park makes me cringe. Those guys are just so cool and smart and above it all and it is everyone else who is so dumb!
It's a show inherently about how preachy scolds are the worst, while simultaneously being by far the preachiest non religious entertainment programming ever created.
The first few seasons were legitimately funny too. I think. I was also like 18.
That last sentence is key. I really liked it the first year it was out, but also I turned 18 the month before it started. Watched it religiously for a few years before the contradictions just got too big and smarmy "we can't be racist/sexist/homophobic if we make fun of EVERYBODY" mentality too much
I was older when it came out but it also felt like they took themselves less seriously at the start. And then they got progressively higher on their own farts and were more “yes actually this is the guide to life”.
I mean I kinda wonder if he's just full of shit. He's a black guy who might vote Trump but just on his personal finances? I'm not immediately trusting that he's telling the truth here.
easier to assume he’s truthfully idiosyncratic (misinformed, puzzled, etc) than being dishonest about his views
Don't forget that who Trump chooses as his running mate might be the thing to tip him one way or the other. Galaxy brained stuff. We all know if Trump chooses an economist he will definitely defer to that person's judgment.
Hey now, maybe Trump will cause deflation, which will surely be good for his pocket book, right? Right?