
C/W for graphic descriptions of sexual assault. There are a lot of “oh the whole thing is really sketchy actually” posts, particularly on other social media sites, some from people who SHOULD KNOW BETTER, and I hate it.
Guys, the podcast is available on Spotify/Apple Podcasts, and as infuriating as it is that Tortoise funnels you into their fucking podcast instead of providing the information clearly via text, you should listen to the nanny's first-hand account before being like "TERFs be lying."
I don't want it to be true, but the power dynamic alone is dodgy. Why are men like this?
No one wants it to be true. For the victims as well as for any other reason. But dismissing the whole thing as ‘sketchy’, as many are, is just going to reinforce the idea that there is no point speaking up, because no one will believe it and no one will do a damn thing.
Exactly (though the transphobes might want it to be true...). And I'm worried it will get embedded in the trans "debate" rather than being about what happened to the women involved and be an opportunity to improve men's understanding of consent
It's also deeply in character with stuff floating around spec about predatory pressure exerted on both students and younger fan-colleagues I'M aware of (and I am an extremely insignificant small potato) since 2015, driven underground at the time with "nobody will believe you if you say who it is". 💀
It is making me see red that in this one well connected cis white man's case, he needs "credible sources" when other people get their careers ended over anonymous accounts posted in a reply somewhere. Like. do we believe victims or nah?
Right. Yes, it’s been reported by people with a definite agenda. Yes. What did you think: that one of his fans would report on it? That ANY newspaper, who might want a little quote or interview at some point, would report on it? No, of course not! I just wish people would THINK