Chimera Extraordinaire

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Chimera Extraordinaire

Magneto was right. Writer by day, shitposter by night. Neurodivergent queerdo, ethereal enby, and filthy ancom. Abolish capitalism, the prison system, and the police state. Anti Zionist.

Pan & ENM | NSFW | Any pronouns | Minors DNI
My talents are wasted on him 😩
I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job
All of these liberals are like "we shouldn't wish death on (⚪️) people 🥺 ok"
I've been on 3 first (and only) dates this year. One still talks to me every day, we decided to be friends. One hits me up every couple months with a wyd and is ignored. And one told me they were moving to Seattle a week after the date and the only time they texted was a sext meant for someone else
For real, why am I so intimidated by femmes? I'm the worst sapphic ever
I’m bawling my eyes out. I won’t be able to go to my aunts funeral who was like a mom to me if I don’t raise $811 by Monday. I’m so heartbroken and my mental health is spiraling. A quote boost doesn’t take very long.
MUTUAL AID REQUEST! $113/$500 Help a disabled trans woman survive! I need help covering rent and other bills (phone/car ins.) while navigating ssdi approval. If you are able to share or donate to help me survive, please do!$KaideeKat
I asked my body last night if it could maybe not produce so much inflammation and apparently the best it could do was give me confusing sex dreams
My bum knee is absolutely ruining any semblance of a social life I had
"Your 9 pound cat can't possibly take up half the bed" My cat:
For as long as I live I'll never understand why anyone voluntarily lives in Florida. Like if you're born there and stuck there, I understand. But doing it on purpose? Yikes
Not my partner wearing a hoodie in this weather. Disgusting
One of my friends said JoJo Siwa is Chappell Roan’s Waluigi and I ugly laughed
My partner's dad recently went home after staying with us for a week. I forgot how tiring it can be to entertain someone that long! And she was a gem, I truly enjoyed my time with her. She transitioned in her forties and is so happy now. Any age is a good age to come out 💜
My doctor tried to override the insurance company and they still said no. I'm stuck using a cane until I fail PT in August, only then will they pay for an MRI. A month of suffering for no reason. Remember that the people at the insurance companies who make these decisions are NOT healthcare staff
I'm trying to have my doctor override my insurance so I can get an MRI. They want me to do 6 sessions of PT, which doesn't start until August. Meanwhile I literally cannot walk without holding onto the wall or with a cane. My doctor said it's definitely soft tissue damage. I hate insurance companies
All this horrible shit has happened and continues to happen under Biden, he's not going to magically fix anything if he's re-elected
These days my partner and I take turns talking the other one down from the ledge because shit is so fucked. I take comfort in knowing we won't go out quietly
Monster fuckers be like "Hear me out"
There are two ways for me to cope with this shitshow, sex and memes
Every non leftist American after the debate:
I make less money take home making $10k more a year in a much more stressful job than I did at my last job, and I was told it's because I'm in a different tax bracket. Fuck this shit, it all goes to wars and genocide and the military industrial complex
I don't want some egghead bureaucrat telling me whether there's poison in the water I drink. Ideally I'd want that decided by a 29yo judge who went to a "biblical law school" and does not believe dinosaurs existed, and then to have that decision reaffirmed six years later by the Supreme Court.
There are some days I think that quitting my job and risking homelessness if I don't find another fast enough might be worth it. I can always check out if things get bad enough, I mean everything sucks and is only getting worse so 🤷‍♀️
Marcellus Williams was cleared by DNA evidence and the prosecutor is trying to vacate the conviction, but the state of Missouri still scheduled an execution date for him. Please sign and share this petition
Stop the Sept. 24 Execution of Marcellus Williams, an Innocent Man - Innocence DNA evidence not available at the time of trial proves his innocence but has not been considered in court. Act today.