
There is no "non-searing" way to accurately describe Donald Trump because he is objectively a giant piece of shit but this fact makes the commentariat get the vapors
To discuss his pre-political career is to simply rattle off a long list of frauds in which someone else was always left holding the bag, his one presidential term was primarily characterized by racism and star fucking, and since then he's been convicted of dozens of felonies
Back in the 90s, my stepfather sold software used in Atlantic City casinos. After he finished a big installation at one of Trump’s casinos, the Trump Organization refused to pay the balance. So all those fraud stories hit home. My stepfather’s response: “fine, I’m turning this all off.” They paid.
And then the casino went broke! A CASINO
Literally every contractor who's ever worked for Trump has a story about getting stiffed. It's the sort of thing, like his cheating at golf, that would be an automatic disqualifier among Forgotten Men and Local Diner Patrons if they really believed half the bullshit they said.
Yep. In my stepfather’s case, he had leverage because he could semi-easily shut down the software, which was signature verification technology and important to a casino’s operation. Other vendors wouldn’t have the same options, for sure.
Like even NYC GOP guys hate him cause they know at least someone he’s personally ripped off
Those kinds of guys all LOVE to tell you how much they can “sniff out a bullshit artist” lol
They can! They're sniffing his ass!!! They just like the smell bc it makes them feel power over others!
Will never forget hearing from relatives in NJ about a contractor they knew who Trump stiffed for over $1M who STILL voted for him because Hillary. smdh