Vomiting Kermit

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Vomiting Kermit


Every big media organization was so crossed-up by Trump winning in 2016 that they have been behaving and hiring as if Long Island-Coded Suburbo-Racist Sociopathy was on an unstoppable ascent worldwide, and interpreting everything backwards from there. It turns out most people actually hate it!
Honestly, what kind of bananas frame this story like this? Is shit serious or not, fucken freaks?
Speaking of tweets that I still think about constantly:
I won’t buy a BURGER from Mark Wahlberg and those are like $10 - couldn’t imagine buying a car from something associated with him
seems like exactly the sort of business you'd expect Mark Wahlberg to be operating
Anyway make sure they put on the record I knew that Republicans were bad first. Make sure they write that down.
It's not even that scary of a branding actually the branding sucks. "Project 2025." Senior project ass name.
Fascinated by this paragraph. “Dems have more substance, but Repubs are better at lying about it. Therefore there is no way to determine which is better.”
the thing you really can't over-emphasize about reactionary centrists is how *dumb* they are www.persuasion.community/p/a-guide-fo...
NEW: There’s a plan circulating among Democratic Party leadership to have a list of candidates recite the “Ten Duel Commandments” to choose Biden’s replacement
The humble Johnsonville Beer Brat is the “Cadillac” of tubed meat #itsmy2cents
chopping up fat lines of right wingers counting their french nazi eggs before that shit hatched. im getting fucked up tonight boy
I bring good tidings from the other site: French Lefties win, Le Pen eats shit, Macron eats more shit
I will never do a segment on Steve Bannon’s podcast. That is my online promise
People on here will tweet anything. 'The point of the Munsters is they act normal.' No it's not. That isn’t true
“At least five journalists were killed in attacks by Israeli forces in the last 24 hours in Gaza as bombings and air strikes across the besieged enclave intensified.”
Five journalists killed as Israel steps up bombardment across Gazawww.aljazeera.com Journalist couple Amjad Jahjouh and Wafa Abu Dabaan and their children were killed in a strike on the Nuseirat camp.
saturday anime pajama party twitch.tv/bakkooonn
The current administration is more than complicit in this. They are true believers in it. This should be a deep shame, and a sign that the entire idea of what “America” even is needs to change. The one-sided special relationship with genocidal monsters should be severed.
"Some children think that their legs might grow again. This is one of the saddest things that we hear on a regular basis.” The war in Gaza makes life nearly impossible for disabled people. www.motherjones.com/politics/202...
How the war in Gaza makes life nearly impossible for disabled peoplewww.motherjones.com “Some children think that their legs might grow again. This is one of the saddest things that we hear on a regular basis.”
Stephen Miller has disavowed Project 2025, denying involvement in it, even though there is a specific bulletpoint in there saying “bald men with wet mouths and damp, yet cold lizard-like skin who have never fucked will be put in leadership positions and paid handsomely”
A Mr Feastable for every pot
Thinking of a short film where you watch a clean-cut, intellectual guy’s bookshelf emptying over time with all of the authors getting “cancelled.” Then at the end it shows him all schlubby & disheveled on his couch and playing video games. “Much to think about” says a dumb manosphere guy, sharing it
Trying to figure out what to do with my Neil Gaiman books. I don’t believe in burning them. Donating them or putting them in a free little library seems wrong - unless I can guarantee the person who picks them up actually likes abusers….
Well this is grim
ahh cool! an air disaster!!
al bundy you were insane. peg was hot as hell you grumpy ass lunatic
tonight on stream AIRMASTER-THON