
I need a labeler just for people who cite bullshit jobs unironically.
I don’t understand why people believe rapacious corporations which only care about making money at the expense of everything else would also blow money on a shitload of meaningless layers of jobs?
I think these people think most corporations are largely fake top to bottom — perhaps even including the actual production of the corporation, if it’s abstract or confusing to them — and that the majority of the hires are just to keep the fiction going or something
I'd love to know the percentage of bluesky users who have ever had a corporate job.
Not me!! But it’s easy for me to believe these huge entities operating within my society are real nonetheless
I suspect it's larger than the percentage who have held what they understand as a "corporate job."
Good question. Honestly, I don't think so. I was once asked to manage a retired lieutenant colonel who was part of re-entry program. We got along great, but he got incredibly frustrated with the corp world. I put him in charge of relocating employees post-Sandy.
He really hated that we couldn't just tell people exactly where to go. Their and their manager's preferences had to be taken into account.
*they and their Also, Army LTC
Also, I don't recall the USN having an HR department.
lol - yeah - not according to my dad who was a seabee in Korea.
In the military one gets orders. They are generally not nuanced, vague, nor subject to the whims of the Shipping Manager. I've never worked very corporate corporate, but I've been corporate adjacent. Often left scratching my head wondering, "What just went on here?"
Yeah. That was the head scratcher for him. I should reconnect. He's been in corporate roles for 17 years now (sheesh).
I think government jobs do teach you some universal facts about working in a huge organization so it’s at least closer than small business employment anyway
That's absolutely true. And, there's a huge amount of anti-institutional bias that spans private and public. Totally fair to be skeptical, but both sides are in reflexive bias mode for their own reasons.
fwiw I've had multiple corporate jobs. i came out of it with too much knowledge on how those orgs/work don't work, the purpose of levels, that perf reviews are bullshit, and that fines for non-compliance are cheap cost of doing business. 😭