
I need a labeler just for people who cite bullshit jobs unironically.
I don’t understand why people believe rapacious corporations which only care about making money at the expense of everything else would also blow money on a shitload of meaningless layers of jobs?
I think these people think most corporations are largely fake top to bottom — perhaps even including the actual production of the corporation, if it’s abstract or confusing to them — and that the majority of the hires are just to keep the fiction going or something
I'd love to know the percentage of bluesky users who have ever had a corporate job.
I think government jobs do teach you some universal facts about working in a huge organization so it’s at least closer than small business employment anyway
That's absolutely true. And, there's a huge amount of anti-institutional bias that spans private and public. Totally fair to be skeptical, but both sides are in reflexive bias mode for their own reasons.