
If you think that we actually just need a civil war to settle this once and for all: 1. No, you don’t. 2. No, you don’t. 3. You are an idiot.
Trump’s re-election will mean four hideous years of the GOP playing constant Civil War Chicken at best - as this Heritage Foundation ghoul made clear - and actual civil war at worst. Avoiding that bloody nightmare is a pretty damn good reason to suck it up and vote for Biden.
I'd love a civil war. But no casualties, and no disruption to my lifestyle. Other than that, all good!
Let's just have a constitutional convention which will totally go well under these conditions!
Yeah, that was the moment at which I lost any remaining shred of interest in anything Cenk Uygur had or ever would have to say, that is, when he started pushing the genius Constitutional Convention idea. There's brain worms, and then there's brain snakes that just swallow the damn thing whole.
lol! John, this is genious! I'm going to buy a tee for my editor wife.
Thank You! I'm so glad you like it. (Many years ago, I was going to get that (w/out the proofreader's corrections & in an elaborate, almost illegible medieval font) for my 1st tattoo. My tattoo artist gave me this look 😐. I said, "come on. it'll be funny." And he said, "not for your first tattoo.")
😂🤣😂 To paraphrase: Some people look at the world and ask why. Some look at it and ask why not. I eventually wake up and ask, "why me?"