
If you think that we actually just need a civil war to settle this once and for all: 1. No, you don’t. 2. No, you don’t. 3. You are an idiot.
Trump’s re-election will mean four hideous years of the GOP playing constant Civil War Chicken at best - as this Heritage Foundation ghoul made clear - and actual civil war at worst. Avoiding that bloody nightmare is a pretty damn good reason to suck it up and vote for Biden.
I'd love a civil war. But no casualties, and no disruption to my lifestyle. Other than that, all good!
We just have to make sure the war stays civil! How hard can that be, Michael, it's right there in the name?
It’s gonna have to be a 3 day war week too, because I’ve got kids at libraries to harass and need at least one day to trade crypto!
Finally, something to spice up this boring election & push some ratings
Let's just have a constitutional convention which will totally go well under these conditions!
Yeah, that was the moment at which I lost any remaining shred of interest in anything Cenk Uygur had or ever would have to say, that is, when he started pushing the genius Constitutional Convention idea. There's brain worms, and then there's brain snakes that just swallow the damn thing whole.
lol! John, this is genious! I'm going to buy a tee for my editor wife.
Thank You! I'm so glad you like it. (Many years ago, I was going to get that (w/out the proofreader's corrections & in an elaborate, almost illegible medieval font) for my 1st tattoo. My tattoo artist gave me this look 😐. I said, "come on. it'll be funny." And he said, "not for your first tattoo.")
😂🤣😂 To paraphrase: Some people look at the world and ask why. Some look at it and ask why not. I eventually wake up and ask, "why me?"
Unfortunately you can't have good pics and videos to post without those.
can we stand on street corners smoking really thin cigarettes and then whistling when a soldier rides past on a bicycle?
I mean, you can do that now…
Civil War 2.0 is a bunch of states seceding and the rest of us not making much of an effort to bring them back. I’d feel bad for a lot of decent people stuck there but I feel bad for them as it is
These people are not going to be content with just having their own fascist red states. They want to crush us too in our blue states.
The rural/urban split makes secession a moot point; it doesn't solve the problem, it just multiplies it
Oh, it COULD be done. It would be utterly horrific on a scale that boggles the mind, but yeah, it could be done.
India got partitioned at the cost of just a few million lives after all
Yeah, I was going to say, that wouldn't be secession, that'd be full-on partition. How ugly it would be!
I’m an American partially because of China’s civil war, which as everyone knows, went swimmingly
There is historical precedent for how horrific it would be: the Partition of India.
The Greek-Turkish population transfers during the 1919-1922 Greco-Turkish War were accomplished via horrendous bloodshed too.
“Red” areas would never “let” it happen bc “blue” areas are where all the money and waterways and trade and etc are.
But to no meaningful end, because one side of the conflict simply wants things that are true to not untrue and policies that cannot work to succeed, so when they fail - which will be quickly - they'll do the only thing they can do, which is blame the other side somehow and start a war anyway
Also, there is no stable geopolitical configuration of North America that doesn't have a unified United States. There is no realistic option except to consolidate control over the entire country.
The invasion of California would be wild
California would probably win but we really don’t want to find out.
True. Bad in reality but probably an awesome board game. Risk 2: Fresno
How would New England secede, though? Would we band together with NY and NJ and be our own little country? I don't know if it's useful to spitball because I don't see how secession could even be a last-ditch maneuver to avoid fascism in MA. How could we actually fight? We're so small.
Fascist attacks on Oregon during the Trump admin were abetted by law enforcement (per PPB SMS records) and at least one member of the state assembly (on CCTV video, letting attackers in the door). Traveling from Washington to riot somehow didn’t trigger federal prosecution of the attackers either.
Doesn't it just end by Google, Facebook, Netflix shutting down their services there?
I mean in the seceding and aggressing states, not California
Large State here. Lots of MAGA in the Central Valley and more in the Sierra would, sadly, support an invasion.
True. But I think they’re outnumbered and outgunned
Contemplating the number of active ICBMs in the US arsenal...
Lincoln nailed 'em in the Cooper Union Speech
All the proof anybody needs for this is the Republican efforts that try to prevent people from going to a different state for medical care. That's just a little taste of the kind of control they want.
They want that *more* than they want their own fascist red states. Crushing the blue states *is the point*.
Red states are generally speaking economically dependent on blue states. (Vice versa, too, but not as much.) To whatever extent red-staters acknowledge this, they believe they're *entitled* to it. They think of blue states as also red states, but temporarily under the control of the wrong people.
Yes, an the blue states are uppity* in their disdain for the red states and therefore deserve to be humiliated. Plus, they like to tourist at the Today show but would prefer more sidewalk deference. * This can be a fair criticism but almost never actually is. I do disdain antiabortion misogynists.