
"Since Texas’ ban on abortion went into effect, infant deaths in the state increased by nearly 13%, according to a new analysis published on Monday in JAMA Pediatrics. In the rest of the country, infant mortality increased less than 2% over the same period."
Infant deaths increased after Texas banned abortion in early Since Texas’ ban on abortion went into effect, infant deaths in the state increased by nearly 13%, according to a new analysis published on Monday in JAMA Pediatrics.
"In the rest of the country, infant mortality increased less than 2% over the same period." Someone needs to run the numbers on this, but my suspicion is that the 2% national increase is driven primarily by other states that have enacted abortion bans
most likely, but a bit of that could be from covid
Probably not! This is from when Texas' abortion law went into affect. I don't know exactly when it was implemented, but Dobbs was exactly two years ago, so deaths from covid should be down in that time span.
covid is especially dangerous for pregnant women and fetuses
more people were dying of covid in 2022 than they are today, so deaths from covid among pregnant women and infants should have also gone down in the past two years
you’re not factoring in cumulative effect from multiple infections plus people letting down their guard in hospitals specifically
Fewer people are dying today. We keep data on this. This is a basic fact. Just because you can imagine reasons why deaths *could* be higher, that doesn't change the very basic fact that deaths are in fact lower.
Probably? I don’t know what the numbers where before Dobbs