
with Pope Francis, as with Joe Biden, my frustrations are many but I have NO NOTES when he goes into straight-up “fuck you” mode and I think we’d all like him better if he did it more often his campaign to dick over all the far right wing cardinals who try and sabotage him brings me real joy
excommunicating the fuckers who won’t respect your duly elected authority because you want to use it on behalf of people they hate, and who have forfeited their right to power because they’re using it to undermine progress, is the energy I wish Democrats would take into the White House JUST ONCE
god this makes it even funnier
He fucking emailed the excommunication. Tbh I feel like you gotta hand deliver that shit
I think the thing I respect about this the most is the acknowledgment that it’s the cardinal saying “Pope Francis isn’t a real pope because he’s too liberal for my personal tastes” that broke the norms, which means taking action is not just acceptable but the only way to defend the norms
obviously like your mileage may vary as to your own feelings about what those norms ARE (mine, too, are complicated!), but I wish that this energy was transferable to things like impeaching corrupt justices or firing congressional reps who supported an insurrection
nah, it's the correct response. "you don't recognize my authority? then you are not a priest in my employ anymore. you got your stated goal, you no longer need to listen to me. good luck."
Well when you say the pope isn’t the pope you’ve already left the church. Excommunication just makes it official
"I hope this email finds you well..."
dear sir, or madam, you are no longer an archbishop. The reason you are no longer an archbishop is because you are no longer a member of this church at all have fun in hell bitch.
That guy was also accusing the pope of knowing all about the sex abusers. Which he probably does. They've been shielding them for decades (centuries). I can't cheer for either party here.
If Dark Brandon showed up at the next debate & spent most of it in "fuck you" mode, Biden would win in a landslide.
I really hope this carries over to some of the USCCB.
That statement when Kissinger died was truly magnificent. Also, I think the fact that Viganò didn’t show up to his final hearing/meeting made the decision. Even showing up and being combative would have been better for his case than not going at all.