
Appalling by NYU-Langone Hospital. A nurse at NYU given an award for her work with bereaved mothers briefly mentioned Palestine in her remarks at the awards ceremony. She was promptly fired. link:
Hesen Jabr seems like an uncommonly amazing human being. I went to her Insta to watch video of the award ceremony where she was lauded by her supervisor. Her short speech was very touching. Fired. Escorted out of the building by a plain clothes police officer.
1/2 I transcribed Hesen Jabr's full remarks. At NYU-Langone Hospital, after receiving the Sebastian Brun Compassionate Care Award for exemplifying compassionate care for patients and their families suffering a perinatal loss.   Hesen Jabr:
2/2 Hesen Jabr's remarks
2/2 I also corrected a small typo here. (sigh) "my mother and my^ grandmothers who instilled these traits" Corrected transcript below
1/2 I corrected a typo. "grieving mother as she suffers^ one of" Corrected transcript is below
I fail to see or hear anything objectionable with what Hesen Jabr said. She called what Israel is doing a "genocide", but so have I and I'm a Jew also from NYC and whose alma mater is NYU.
If I were Ms. Jabr, I'd be talking to a high-powered labor lawyer right about now. And it wouldn't be about getting my job back, either.
About what, exactly? NYU is a private business. They have the legal right to discipline or fire workers for absolutely anything that's not explicitly proscribed by civil rights law. What they did here is extraordinarily immoral but we're not understanding the problem if we imagine a legal remedy
You actually do not have a right to fire people on the basis of their religion, nationality, race or ethnicity. So, whoever told you that lied.
They have every legal right to fire her for (correctly) calling it a genocide.
Not sure where you went to law school, or your experience as an employment litigator. But, you should maybe reread her statement.
It is, actually, professional slander to accuse someone of creating an unsafe work environment, if they did not, in fact, do so.
I'm sure Bari Weiss, Glenn Greenwald, Matt Taibbi, and Elon Musk and the other defenders of free speech will jump right on this suppression of constitutionally protected free speech
As much as I want to agree with you, that only applies to state actors, which NYU-Langone hospital is not. If she were punished by the government (like, say, the Columbia and NYU students were by the police), then I'd agree with you.
The people named don't care about that distinction. They do, however, pretend to care about 'free speech' only when it means their speech.
Fair enough, and it's even more embarrassing for Glenn Greenwald, because he used to be an attorney in constitutional law.
What a horrendous way to treat such a kind person.
The video is extremely touching. People say she helps the other nurses on staff to deal with these awful situations. She apparently has an almost unique gift with women who have lost babies and her colleagues too. Should be on the cover of People magazine situation. Instead, thuggish treatment.
This nation is devolving into a police state faster and faster.
Outrageous & infuriating. So much repression happening now. Thank you for alerting us to this & for transcribing her remarks at the award ceremony.
It's heartbreaking. Such a beautiful and sensitive soul this woman has. Engaged in the work that is a higher calling than almost any of us can say we do. They think they can just throw her away.
Wow, is this America. Neither side is right, only the innocent people.
This is absolute bullshit. Do these ghouls think being so imperious and heavy handed will increase support for Israel?
they don't think they need to increase support so much as stifle dissent so the support doesn't erode
I think they'll find they're having the opposite effect.
This nurse is disgusted.
Awful. On the video of her getting the award, her colleagues say such lovely things. How she helps *them* struggle thru comforting bereaved mothers. She speaks with enormous humility, sharing praise with her co-workers and talks about how the women of her family taught her. An icon of a nurse ⭐️
Eileen,I just do not understand anything lately!! So unfair,huh?
There is a terrible problem rn with punishing people. It's a new McCarthyism. The nurse was asked to speak after she was given an award. She paid homage to where she came from and the women of her family. She wasn't on a political tear. Yes she is treated like a terrorist. I hope it can be fixed.
Eileen,it breaks my heart. It is happening all over,businesses,colleges. I wish more would think to themselves,what if they had family,friends,in Gaza, and were fearful to speak up for their loved ones. Wishing you peace,Eileen.