Iron Curtain (Samuel Abram)

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Iron Curtain (Samuel Abram)

Chiptunes Musician.

100% Ashkenazi Jew living on Canarsie territory, colonially known as Brooklyn since the Dutch colonization thereof.
Ally of indigenous peoples around the world.

pronouns: any/all

HRT: 2024/05/12
Last time they had a filibuster-proof supermajority was in 2009, and they used that to pass the Heritage Foundation’s health plan
watching british election returns the question struck me: what would democrats do with a landslide? what’s the wish list? beyond saving democracy of course.
it's time for my favorite ever law review student note:
watching british election returns the question struck me: what would democrats do with a landslide? what’s the wish list? beyond saving democracy of course.
Oceans of blood on our hands.
-40,000+ killed -15,000+ children killed -20,000 children missing -70% of Gaza's buildings destroyed -60% of Gaza's farms destroyed -2,200,000 displaced
-40,000+ killed -15,000+ children killed -20,000 children missing -70% of Gaza's buildings destroyed -60% of Gaza's farms destroyed -2,200,000 displaced
Looks like it has such a janky hitbox you need to clear the whole intersection before letting it turn left
Spotted my first cybertruck in Chinatown NYC
have i ever watched Jaws? nope. would i watch this version? yes. very yes.
Homestar - Brody Strong Sad - Hooper Strong Bad - Quint Marzipan - Mrs. Brody Bubs - the Mayor King of Town - the secretary complaining about the picket fences Strong Mad and Pom Pom - the dipshits with the roast Poopsmith as the Harbor Master Homsar as the A WHAAAAAAAT guy $500M OPENING WEEKEND 🎥
Why would you ruin a perfectly good road by driving a Cybertruck on it?
Spotted my first cybertruck in Chinatown NYC
The way these things discolor like Brutalist architecture lol
Spotted my first cybertruck in Chinatown NYC
Spotted my first cybertruck in Chinatown NYC
fearmongering so far has a 100% track record so y'all better fucking listen up
"They're just fearmongering about Project 2025," brought to you by the people behind "They're just fearmongering about a coup" and "they're just fearmongering about abortion bans"
I’d call the six reactionary justices on the SCOTUS “renegades” but that would just make them sound cool.
man remember when yelling "hyaawwwgh" was enough to disqualify you from being president
this entire crusade against diversity in hiring and admissions is based on the supposition that all white men are necessarily more qualified than any nonwhite person or woman who might be considered for the job. like, this lawsuit more or less states that outright.
Lawsuit: Northwestern’s law school is biased against White men in The lawsuit, filed by a prominent attorney, alleges the university’s law school gives hiring preference to women and people of color.
A micro aggression I’ve grown tired of is if I’m working alongside a white person sometimes white customers will either switch to the white coworker mid convo or just talk right past me to the even if I’m the one helping them. Today my coworker deferred to me & I was like ‘They talking to you bro.’
I am Jamal from Gaza. I was living a quiet. I was about to graduate from the College of Software Engineering. Suddenly, without any introduction, I lost everything and everything was destroyed. This link is my only hope to save my life and rebuild it.
I keep telling people that if we want to know what American fascism will look like we don't need to look at Nazi Germany, or fictional dystopias like Gilead. We only need to look at the American South c. 1870-1965. This is not to absolve other places; the South was where it was most complete.
Avatar I need your honest opinion: 1. Have you heard of the Linkin Park song "Hands Held High"? And if so, 2. What do you think about it?
I think about this line a lot these days.
Can we maybe get this bullshit updated?
The effects on behavior of people other than Trump could be pretty dangerous too
So there’s the decision as a legal document, and the legal consequences that come from it. Then there’s the message that MAGA supporters take from it. I bet some of them already see the message as “the law is ours now.” What will they do now? Will they allow black people in swing states to vote?
Who knew Hamilton was a prophecy?
I don’t think it’s an exaggeration at all to say the decision threatens the Republic. I might not have said so in 2015, before I saw how triumphantly lawless and autocratic the President could be, and how so many people would applaud it or at least shrug.
My friend and colleague Ken White has written a great thread describing some (but far from all) of the enormous problems with today's decision by Chief Justice Roberts granting Donald Trump criminal immunity on grounds never before accepted by any court. Today's decision threatens the Republic.
This reminds me of a lyric in Linkin Park's anti-Iraq-war track "Hands Held High": > At times like this you'd pray > but a bomb blew the mosque up yesterday
The sound of explosions in Al-Nuseirat, and the luminaire bombs shine over the sky of the Nuseirat
All the scenes in Gaza look like they are taken from a tragic movie about rhe end of rhe
The sound of explosions in Al-Nuseirat, and the luminaire bombs shine over the sky of the Nuseirat
Perhaps when we kept asking them if they wanted Nazi's because this is how you get Nazi's we should have considered they would use it as a fucking guidebook.
Every morning Joe Biden personally slashes John Roberts's tires. JR: "What are you doing?" JB: "I'm carrying out my duties as commander in chief. Your car might have gotten in the way of a tank, so I carried out a preemptive strike on it." JR: "Carry on then."
On reflection, that would not work. The Supreme Court would say: you are exercising a power you do not have; we nullify those grants of citizenship. It has to be an actual act. Maybe he should order the entire federal fleet of cars etc. to park in the justices' parking spots. ALL the SCOTUS spots.
the current president could get away with kiIIing supreme court justices on 5th Avenue. I'm not saying he should, since that would be a violation of TOS, but he could. if like, he wanted to. for whatever reason.
reflecting on the immunity decision a bit, what the Court seems to be saying is that every element of the executive branch is at the President’s disposal, no matter what he wants to use it for. his motives don’t matter. the office is a weapon to be wielded however he sees fit.