
ACLU is opposed to expanding the court? Because it's indecorous? That's the position of quislings. Do you know what the ACLU does best? Raise money! ––>
the ACLU is done. finished. toast. kaput
Guess how much money the ACLU has access to? ACLU Foundation (not the org) has $640 million IN THE BANK. That's their endowment for a rainy day. THE STORM IS HERE! They're not going to pour that $ and energy into protecting democracy? GTFO! (Cole's salary in 2022 was $484,052, btw.)
American Civil Liberties Union Inc (nonprofit, NOT foundation) Exec Dir Tony Romero paid $940,312 Officers, Directors, Trustees, Key Employees, and Highest Compensated Employees Schedule J (Form 990) 2022 Page 2 Part II [scroll down about 2/3rds of file]
These are some exceptionally fat salaries considering that they are currently trying to hire a CISO in NYC for $255k.
Huh. Here's the rest of listed roles + salaries, from 10 – 15. They certainly have a wild amount of cash to throw at it. My guess: 1) They don't grasp the challenge and the level of person they need (usual problem) 2) That offer is likely intended to not upset the present salary hierarchy
They exist to make money off of people's suffering. Fuck them.