Clifton B

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Clifton B

Seasonspree is happening, I promise. Then Keyhole. Then [12 game titles redacted].
Hey, have you seen our custom tool GDC talk from last year? It's really good, because there's a bunch of established devs who've shipped solid games. And then there's me, the guy who's hardly published a thing yet, but can at least bring the scholarly stuff.
GDC Vault - Independent Games Summit: Tech Toolbox: Custom Tool In this series of microtalks, developers from six studios will present custom toolsets they've built and/or used to help development run more efficiently and comfortably.Game developers are a creative...
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become a leftist! every time you’re right about something it sucks! Join us
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i know things aren’t great right now, but imagine how much worse they’d be if noodles hadn’t been invented
Hey everyone, I'm looking for game contract work! Heaps of experience in UX and game design. Creative and tech writing chops. About to ship a game and in need of money for rent, food, and a PAX booth. Tell 1 friend = receive 1 hug
Hello followers, please enjoy these unedited macro leaf shots I took out my window on this beautiful day
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Is the 99-player elimination game trend still kicking at all? This makes me want a Jeopardy 99 game. 99 contestants, each starting with $1,000. For each question, you wager an amount, and after each question, the person with the least money is eliminated. That could maybe work, yeah?
I had a dream that I competed on a 45-person version of Jeopardy! but it was called ‘Jeopardy!: Heroes’ and it was a disaster
Hi! I'm a tool designer! My greatest hits include: "That should be automated." "Who wants to be responsible for keeping the tool doc up to date?" "Tell me your most comfortable and least comfortable tasks." "No human should have to worry about that." "Why are the writers doing that in Unity?"
Hi! I’m a narrative designer! My greatest hits include: “Marketing wants WHAT?!” “What do you mean design has changes? We ship in three days!” “We’re not doing that. It’s racist.” And the all-time classic: “No, we can’t just copy the MCU.”
You can't spell "Nobody asked for this" without AI.
Avatar Hey, are you off traveling somewhere?
Super cool announcement! I'm not gonna work for tech companies anymore! I love UX and I mostly love the work, but it isn't the kind of thing I want to do with the rest of my life. Tech companies are somehow both turbulent and boring at the same time, all the time. I'm all gamedev now, baby!
Avatar Hello! You're one of the only people I know who really knows MOBAs, so I thought I'd ask, would you know of any teams who are working on one? Is that a thing in the indie space?
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The owner of a now-defunct local restaurant called Tanuki somehow found that I was tweeting about how pirated movies have a better UX than purchased movies (because DRM and clunky menus), and repeatedly attacked me for being pro-theft. Made a big deal about it and wouldn't shut up. So weird.
what’s the stupidest and/or funniest internet beef you’ve ever been in? there have got to be some great stories here
"The majority of gamers are white men" First off, nah, stop lying Second, I was like ten when DQ IV came out. The first thing I did was choose a woman as the main character. Why should I choose someone who looks like me? I see this face in every mirror. I don't need to see it in every game.
Evergreen sentiment
What’s left for bored rich parasites to destroy
Just realized BlueSky has an Only Posts mode, filtering out reposts and replies. Back when Twitter was Twitter, I had TweetDeck filter out RTs, and the man column already didn't show replies. It was a much more gentle experience.
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My GDC 2024 talk about Tool UX Design has been moved to one hour later, on Wednesday March 20th at 11:30am! Great news, because now it no longer overlaps with the Tech Art Roundtable! You can visit both and have a great time with design, art, and tools your whole morning!
Show me someone posting outrage that James S*merton was a brilliant queer creator bullied by the left/woke mob, and I'll show you someone who was posting queerphobic slurs a week ago
GDC card stash acquired! (Pictured: business cards for Seasonspree and Demospree. Nothing super exciting, but it does feel good to have cards printed up for a game that's actually coming out for once.)
Since brought up logo design gridding (which I didn't even realize was a verb), I thought I'd share a little logo I made for my client today, which I think is an example of gridding? Not quite sure yet, to be honest.
Some unedited shots from my Seattle trip so far
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[british horror movie] person: blimey ghost (knocking over a can of beans): boo innit person: oi me beans
Usually my YouTube recommendations are a third photography, a third politics and a third Zelda theories. Today it's like 100% about the X100VI. Apparently it's gonna be pretty good?
I've been too slow editing these photos from my Peru trip!
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After several years of hard work we are excited to share that Jose Hernandez's Sokobond Express will be launching on Steam and itch on Thursday, February 22nd. Wishlist: Trailer:
Sokobond Express - coming February 22
Avatar Hello! I'm not on here much, but I've got a question you might be able to answer sometime!
Interesting thing about me: for the past few years, my phone alarm's been the Sealab 2021 the song. My alarm goes off about six times a day, and I'll never get tired of hearing that song. It's perfect.